Testimonials for WordPress

Last Update
22 March 2011
Regular License
Extended License

With this plugin it’s possible to create/collect/manage and show testimonials of your clients and users. The plugin consists of a Custom post type were you can manage your testimonials. A widget to display testimonials. And I also added a shortcodes to show a form in the frontend so that your clients can submit their own testimonials. After submission they first need to be accepted by an admin before they will be published on the website.


Manage testimonials Widget to show random testimonials Shortcode to show form that users/customer can use to submit testimonials (need to be approved by admin) Shortcode to show last or random testimonials Support for translations Handy method to query your testimonials Custom post type Easy to use Highly customizable Very well documented

Video In this video I show you how easy it is to create/manage testimonials with this plugin for WordPress.


v1.1.2 (11/03/2011) * Fixed method get_testimonials() not found in widget

v1.1.1 (10/04/2011) * Fix shortcode positioning for testimonial form * Testimonial shortcode can now also show one specific testimonial (by ID) * Support for internationalization * Better documentation

v1.0 (03/14/2011) * Initial version released