testimonial widget

Contempo Reviews

Contempo Reviews

An all-in-one WordPress review, map and testimonial system. Allow users to leave a review, then upon approval, display that review in a map and styled testimonial. All testimonials are SEO ready using the latest Schema standards and the map, form and testimonials are all fully responsive. All form fields and rating categories are fully customizable with the easy to use WordPress page options. For example, to edit the review form, simpl...

ZoomFolio - jQuery Portfolio Plugin

ZoomFolio - jQuery Portfolio Plugin

Portfolio Intro DZS ZoomFolio is the ultimate plugin for displaying your creative portfolio to your clients and that’s not all. You can use it to show the recent posts from your blog or a gallery from your vacation. The possibilities are endless. Portfolio Features easy to install - install and get this plugin ready in less then one minutes. responsive – looks great from mobile to HD CSS3 technology - this gallery uses cutting-edg...

DZS WordPress Testimonial Rotator

DZS WordPress Testimonial Rotator

Intro Want an awesome way to display your clients reviews on your site ? This is the widget for you! Customize everything from text and author to slideshow times and transitions. It comes packed with multiple skins ( check them in the preview ) – so you can choose the one that fits your site best! Do not worry about the size of the Testimonial Rotator. It can fit anywhere and it is responsive. Features responsive – with the Testimonial R...

DZS Testimonial Rotator - jQuery powered

DZS Testimonial Rotator - jQuery powered

Intro – top Want an awesome way to display your clients reviews on your site ? This is the widget for you! Customize everything from text and author to slideshow times and transitions. It comes packed with multiple skins ( check them in the preview ) – so you can choose the one that fits your site best! Do not worry about the size of the Testimonial Rotator. It can fit anywhere and it is responsive. Features responsive – with the Testimo...

Testimonials for WordPress

Testimonials for WordPress

With this plugin it’s possible to create/collect/manage and show testimonials of your clients and users. The plugin consists of a Custom post type were you can manage your testimonials. A widget to display testimonials. And I also added a shortcodes to show a form in the frontend so that your clients can submit their own testimonials. After submission they first need to be accepted by an admin before they will be published on the website. Fea...



So you’ve got clients, and they’ve got something to say about your services. What more do you need other than mytestimony, a simple testimonial manager designed to suit your needs. Features Easy to install and configure Clients or visitors can give in user testimonials from the front-end. Easy to manage / edit / delete testimonials including at administration panel Testimonials can be displayed anywhere on your site. Can be integrated to mo...