
Sociology for WordPress: Twitter/Facebook Poster

Sociology for WordPress: Twitter/Facebook Poster

Broadcast your posts to Twitter and Facebook fan pages directly from the WordPress post page. - Automatically post to Twitter and Facebook fan pages when you publish your post. - Checks for already-published status. - Select which or both social networks to post to on the post page. - support with custom credentials. - Custom Twitter and Facebook credentials. For help setting up this plugin, go here: http://yesplugins.s...

Styles with Shortcodes for WordPress

Styles with Shortcodes for WordPress

Have you ever been in the situation where you have a great looking WordPress theme, but you are missing some custom styling for different elements? Maybe you don’t know PHP, CSS and Javascript and are not able to implement the cool feature you are missing. Styles with Shortcodes is the solution for this problem. This plugin lets you customize content faster and easier than ever before by using Shortcodes. Choose from 100 built in Shortcodes l...

Real-time Tweet Timeline

Real-time Tweet Timeline

In current real-time streams data flows in from the top to bottom in a single column. This makes for a poor reading experience because the text you are focused on gets suddenly and unexpectedly shifted hundreds of pixels. By stacking the items in a single column and shifting the entire column once it fills makes for a much stabler and predictable motion while allowing a continuous feed of new items. Features: * Easy to install/customize *...

Twitter Updates Widget for Wordpress

Twitter Updates Widget for Wordpress

With this widget, you can show your latest tweets on your website. Create your own widget with its great customizability. Features Display tweets from a search query, or a list or account(s)’s feeds! Supports multi-account A lternate simple theme for minimalistic-fans! Anything can be customized! Auto-linking mentions, hashtags and urls! 1-minute-install! It’s a jQuery plugin Choose from 7 color styles (blue, dark blue, green, red, gray, ...



Socialpress is a Wordpress plugin that lets your visitors share your posts and pages on their favorite social networks. You can define what networks you want to show and what icons to use. You can also add campaign parameters to your shared links so that you can see in Google analytics how many users click on your shared links. In the back end you even have a small analytics overview to see how many visitors are referred from the different soc...

Social Lifestream

Social Lifestream

Social Lifestream is a social feed aggregator, which simply grabs your various social feeds and displays them chronologically. Features Caches feeds Simple setup, no database required Fully customisable via custom CSS Automatic link and mention conversion into clickable hyperlinks Ability to limit number of items returned (default is 10) Ability to grab your feeds from Twitter, Delicious, Flickr, Tumblr, YouTube, Dribbble, Digg ...

Scrolling Tweet Ticker

Scrolling Tweet Ticker

Introducing the Scrolling Tweet Ticker 2.0! The new version is completely rewritten from the ground up, for increased browser compatibility and functionality. Server Requirements PHP 5.3+ w/ cURL and OpenSSL Significant changes Twitter API 1.1 compatibility, which forces the use of server side script Support for hashtags and search queries New look and feel. Compatible with Twitter’s Display Requirements IE6+ compatibility Public API fo...

Twitter Reactions

Twitter Reactions

Twitter Reactions is a quick and easy method of displaying Tweets on a website that mention that particular page. It is a simple script that can be easily integrated on any website as long as your have access to the source code. It includes the following features: Live Preview Click here for live preview Features Pure JavaScript (no PHP files) Fully customisable via custom StyleSheet (CSS file) Automatic link and mention conversion i...

Twitter Support Tickets

Twitter Support Tickets

Important Update! This script now requires you to register your own application on for the API keys, instructions on how to do this can be found in the FAQs (Don’t worry, it only takes a few seconds) Description Twitter Support grabs incoming tweets to your account and organises them based their status, such as ‘Active’, ‘On Hold’, ‘Spam’ and ‘Closed.’ This app is primary for those who run a Twitter support account for their busi...

tweet commander

tweet commander

Tweet commander brings all your tweets and informations about your twitter account into your website. It uses OAuth to connect to the API . You can use tweet commander to let you users sign in with an twitter account or if you want display some extended informations about your twitter account on your website. Tweet commander has an internal API wich act like a proxy to the twitter API . You can query the API via javascript to get i.e. the l...