
Last Update
13 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Socialpress is a Wordpress plugin that lets your visitors share your posts and pages on their favorite social networks. You can define what networks you want to show and what icons to use. You can also add campaign parameters to your shared links so that you can see in Google analytics how many users click on your shared links. In the back end you even have a small analytics overview to see how many visitors are referred from the different social networks.


Add social share links to your posts/pages Add you own social network sites Track visitors referred from social networks Use shortened links Track how many users clicks your shared links get Use custom icons for your share links 2 different hover effects for the share links Use icon decorators so you can style the icons like you want Feature to open share links in new window Feature to set all links to no follow Special socialpress tag [socialpress] so you can place the icons where you want and even multiple instances Add Google Analytics campaign tracking to the links Order the icons like you want

Updates 28/06/2010:

Fixed admin CSS problems

Supported sites Default these sites below are supported but you can add you own sites in the back end

FriendSite Faves Buzz SphereIt Wists Shoutwire Kirtsy Spurl Maple Webride PlugIM BlinkList Blogmarks Bloglines Yahoo Buzz Connotea Diigo digg DotNetKicks DZone Facebook Fark Fleck Google Bookmarks Kaboodle Nujij eKudos LinkedIn Mister Wong Netscape Netvouz Newsvine reddit Simpy Slashdot Stumble Upon Squidoo Technorati ThisNext Tip’d Twitter Yahoo My Web Furl Magnolia Live Bligg Symbaloo Google Buzz Myspace

No Wordpress If you don’t have a Wordpress website you can use my jSocial jquery plugin as an alternative. It’s al lightweight variant of this script that can be used on all html/php websites.