Twitter Reactions

Last Update
4 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Twitter Reactions is a quick and easy method of displaying Tweets on a website that mention that particular page. It is a simple script that can be easily integrated on any website as long as your have access to the source code. It includes the following features:

Live Preview Click here for live preview


Pure JavaScript (no PHP files) Fully customisable via custom StyleSheet (CSS file) Automatic link and mention conversion into clickable hyperlinks Displays total reactions Displays most recent reactions (up to 50 items) Ability to customise how many reactions are displayed Ability to customise whether the show the author’s name New Ability to customise whether to display a link to reply to tweet Download also includes compressed version, which is 32% smaller (quicker to load) Fully tested and Compatible with IE6, IE7, IE8, FireFox 2, FireFox 3, Safari 3, Safari 4, Mobile Safari (iTouch & iPhone), Opera 10, Opera Mini (iPhone), Chrome 4 and Chrome 5. Updates

4th February 2013

Added API Key requirement for reactions from Topsy 5th July 2011

New Ability to customise whether to display a link to reply to tweet 5th May 2010

Added ability to search based on keywords See demo for example usage