
Authify - Author Index

Authify - Author Index

About With Authify it becomes easy to display an Index of your Authors. You can use shortcodes to display an Index in columns, or even deploy a Widget for a smaller Index version. If you want to see what I’m up to, follow me on Twitter. And don’t forget to rate this item.

Post Expiration - The Countdown Pro Addon

Post Expiration - The Countdown Pro Addon

To use this plugin you should have at least The Countdown Pro version 1.3. The expiration functionality can easily be added to a content with message before or after the expiration. This supports all custom post type. Listing all the post that have expiration can be done with widget or shortcode. All styles and scripts area pulled in the header section. Every each counter have their own selector that enables you to create spesifics style or...

DZS WordPress Testimonial Rotator

DZS WordPress Testimonial Rotator

Intro Want an awesome way to display your clients reviews on your site ? This is the widget for you! Customize everything from text and author to slideshow times and transitions. It comes packed with multiple skins ( check them in the preview ) – so you can choose the one that fits your site best! Do not worry about the size of the Testimonial Rotator. It can fit anywhere and it is responsive. Features responsive – with the Testimonial R...

EZ WordPress Post Wall

EZ WordPress Post Wall

Create stunning masonry or grid walls of your posts with ease, with EZ Post Wall for WordPress. EZ Post Wall loads more posts into the wall via AJAX! Just click the load more posts button and more will be added. This plugin uses a simple shortcode (which you can place anywhere in your site) to create a wall of your content – using the powerful options panel, you can display your posts using a masonry or grid layout, you also have full control ...

Shorty URL shortener

Shorty URL shortener

Description Shorty is a WordPress plugin for creating a minimalistic URL shortener service. Features Can embed an URL shortener form into pages or posts, including custom post types. Adds an URL shortener to the admin area. You can use a shortcode, PHP API or a widget. 5 styles – Basic, Minimal, Metro, Plastic, Goo. Stores different users’ shortened urls and stats privately. Users don’t need to be logged in to track their shor...

Vision - Wordpress Shortcodes Plugin

Vision - Wordpress Shortcodes Plugin

Amazing New Version 3.0 – Updated on 19 April 2013 Gorgeous Design – Perfect for every website Plugin installs in under 1 minute Shortcodes get added directly to your Wordpress Content Editor Extremely easy to use – seamless Wordpress user interface Ultra Responsive and 100% Mobile-ready Includes over 100 Gorgeous Shortcodes: Accordions and Tabs Buttons and Columns Content and Alert Boxes Dropcaps and Text Icons ...

Pollify - Simple Wordpress Poll Widget

Pollify - Simple Wordpress Poll Widget

Pollify is a simple wordpress poll widget comes with 3 layers of security, 5 languages with RTL support, easy to use and setup and Google analytics integration. DEMO Admin dashboard Username : demo Password : demo Version 1.4 NEW : 4th layer of security NEW : logs FIX : some bugs REPORTED : polls archive Version 1.3.1 NEW : Question and answers thumbnail FIX : Shortcode issue and some bugs Version 1.3 NEW : Design customization NEW :...

WordPress STL 3D Viewer Shortcode

WordPress STL 3D Viewer Shortcode

In Two Lines: Embed a 3D object in your WordPress post. In one line of shortcode. Video Preview: STL , 3D, blah: STL format is popularly used for representing 3D object information. Architects, civil engineers and people interested in 3D printing applications use it to represent structural design data. Quick HOWTO : Display an interactive 3D object model by calling a simple WordPress shortcode in...

The Countdown Pro

The Countdown Pro

The countdown functionality can easily be added to a content or sidebar area and let your users know the counts. With counting down and up functionality, gives you a full control to your counter. This plugin comes with shortcode generator and a multi-instances sidebar widget, packed with bunch of options. All styles and scripts area pulled in the header section. Every each counter have their own selector that enables you to create specific sty...

Wordpress Advanced Authors

Wordpress Advanced Authors

This plugin allows you to add advanced author box in your posts or pages with lot of features and options . Main Features Very easy to use or customize . You can add the author box manually after each post / page or you can use the shortcode button . Social media links . Latest tweet by user , each user can enable or disable this feature . Restrict access , you can enable profile options only for admins . Styling options , and Google fonts...