Wordpress Advanced Authors

Last Update
21 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This plugin allows you to add advanced author box in your posts or pages with lot of features and options .

Main Features

Very easy to use or customize . You can add the author box manually after each post / page or you can use the shortcode button . Social media links . Latest tweet by user , each user can enable or disable this feature . Restrict access , you can enable profile options only for admins . Styling options , and Google fonts for header . Translation ready , .po and .mo files included


11-19 : New Update , Now You Can Choose Exactly Where The Author Box Should Be Shown . 9-10 : New Update , Small Bug Fixed . 6-15-2013 : New update , Twitter API 1.1 , And now you can choose a specific user / author by login .You will need PHP 5.3 to use twitter section feature