
Recent Facebook Photos: A Plugin for WordPress

Recent Facebook Photos: A Plugin for WordPress

Whether you’re a business or individual, you’ve probably wished it were easy to import your recent Facebook photos onto your WordPress website. Now it is! The Recent Facebook Photos plugin for WordPress makes it very easy to include the most recently shared photos on your Facebook page. All you need is add your Facebook URL . You don’t even need to be able to remember how to use the included shortcode – there is an interface for it bu...

Easy Media Fields

Easy Media Fields

Easy Media Fields is a WordPress plugins that adds extra custom fields to WordPress media, in the media manager. Sometimes when you upload a file on your website, you need to add more information about it. If it’s a picture you want to add the photograph name, the models name, the place, an address or whatever… and you can’t! But, with Easy Media Fields… you can! You have the choice between 6 fields types: text, textarea, select, checkbo...

Easy WordPress Donations

Easy WordPress Donations

NEW: get donation notification on your mobile with EWD Pushover Notification add-on! Works on Android and IOS! Easy WordPress Donations is a plugin that adds a whole donations process to your WordPress install. It’s very simple to use and you can configure many options! The main idea with this plugin is to easily and quickly set up a system that enable donations on a website: with just two shortcodes, you can start receiving money via Pa...

Role Memberlist

Role Memberlist

Live demo. This plugin gives you total control over the output of your user lists with role selection. Comes with highly-customizable shortcode and widget control panels. Including and excluding users easily with the multiselect options and ordering it by the given query. There is an additional field for each widget to style and add scripts. Key Features & Options Support shortcode and multiwidget Role selection User meta key, value, com...

Pinterest Pro for WordPress

Pinterest Pro for WordPress

Did you know that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google Plus, Linkedin, and Youtube COMBINED ? - Shareaholic. Pinterest Pro for WordPress lets you quickly and easily jump on board and add full Pinterest support to your site. Features Full customized support for both “Pin It” and “Follow Me” buttons. Supports all button images / sizes / counter options available! Includes shortcode AND template tag support for both buttons, and ...

Visitor Browser and Operating System Widget

Visitor Browser and Operating System Widget

This widget displays the top five most used browsers and operating systems of the people who visited your site. Statistics are taken once per day per computer. The styling of the widget is done through an external stylesheet so the widget can easily be modified to fit in your own template. The latest version also supports shortcodes, more information about this can be found here:

Geolocation Plus Google Maps Places Autocomplete

Geolocation Plus Google Maps Places Autocomplete

Geolocation Plus Google Places Autocomplete gives any WordPress post-type a named location. With support for frontend management, this plugin is a must for every WP event, media or travel site. Features - Use Google Places Autocomplete to easy pick locations - Full front and back end support - Options page for default controls - 7 shortcode options for specific control - Location name stored as post meta for easy retrieval - Uses Google Maps v...

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress brings you full control and support of Facebook’s New Subscribe Button social plugin. FB Sub for WordPress is the only plugin offering full shortcode + template tag support for WordPress. Features Includes a custom shortcode with built-in TinyMCE plugin that allows you to quickly generate / configure subscribe buttons and insert them into posts and pages right through the editor! Includes a custom templat...

Taxography - Premium Graphical Taxonomies

Taxography - Premium Graphical Taxonomies

Want your WordPress categories widget with images? Or post tag or even custom taxonomies with images? This plugin gives you total control over the output of your taxonomies. Displays a list of selected taxonomy as links with thumbnail and it’s short description. This plugin comes with several options as a post/page content or as a widget with similiar functionality. Support multiwidget easy to customize and full features. Displays a list of...

Mortgage Rates Widget

Mortgage Rates Widget

This little widget is great for real estate and financial related WordPress themes. It shows current mortgage rates for a specific State or the National average via data provided by All that’s required is a free Zillow API key. There are two skins provided, a light and a dark option, as well as a non-styled version for easy theme integration. I welcome feedback and suggestions!