
Distinctive Testimonials - Powerful WP Testimonies

Distinctive Testimonials - Powerful WP Testimonies

Share the love your users show you and your business with distinctive testimonials. Using the powerful shortcode generator you can easily show your users testimonials the way you want, and then style it to your tastes with the excellent DTPanel options panel. Distinctive Testimonials is fully responsive (resize your browser when viewing the demo to see it in action. The Distinctive Testominals post type allows you to add unlimited testimonials...

CSS Responsive Touch-Friendly Gallery with Effects

CSS Responsive Touch-Friendly Gallery with Effects

Details 100% CSS, this thumbnail gallery works great on your computer as on your touch devices. You have many effects to choose from, as the dynamics and colour of the details box to the image’s dynamics and style. The clean code is easy to modify and comes with a documentation file. Available description box styles: Fade Center Fade to Black Fade to White Black Fade to Zero White Fade to Zero Slide from Bottom Slide from Left Slide from ...

EZ Carousel - Modern Wordpress Carousel Slider

EZ Carousel - Modern Wordpress Carousel Slider

EZ Carousel is a simple Wordpress plugin that helps you build simple yet shiny Photos/Posts carousel. We understand that time is money, that is why we created EZ Carousel to save your time and effort in developing and customizing photos/post slider. EZ Carousel can be used for: – Portfolio to present your/your client amazing works – Latest Post(s) from blog – And many more practices… RETINA READY! See our LIVE DEMO for more detailed f...

Gewora Management - The ultimate user/admin panel

Gewora Management - The ultimate user/admin panel

Get in touch with us Limited offer Starting from 30.08.2013 you will get GeworaManagement for just $15 instead of $20. This offer is limited so don’t miss it out. Comes in German and English Gewora Management – Ultimate admin panel Gewora Management is the perfect solution if you want to manage your application with ease. It comes with a beautiful easy to use interface, and includes a huge API. It is a PHP and MySQLi powered Admin pan...

BuzzComi - Responsive WordPress Coming Soon Plugin

BuzzComi - Responsive WordPress Coming Soon Plugin

BuzzComi is fully responsive, simple, clean and mobile friendly coming soon / under construction / maintenance plugin with nice countdown timer, subscribe and contact forms. BuzzComi comes with power settings to help you fully customize your WordPress coming soon page. HTML version is available here Features WordPress 3.5, 3.6 Allow access filter by IP, roles Enable/Disable coming soon on some specific pages. Fully Responsive Retina ready ...

MOBILE.NAV - Responsive menu plugin

MOBILE.NAV - Responsive menu plugin

MOBILE.NAV – The easy to use mobile and responsive navigation menu plugin for Wordpress • Easy to install • Uses Wordpress built-in design language (you feel at home right away, no new controlpanel to learn all over again) • Integrates with Wordpress menu system • Supports expanding menu tree (from Wordpress menu system) • Apply any color combination you like • Installs under Wordpress standard «Settings» menu • Works on iO...

Platinum3D Content Animator - Standalone Version

Platinum3D Content Animator - Standalone Version

Real HTML5 3D Engine for your Website! The revolution has been arrived, you can now turn your website HTML elements to 3D. Included more than 50 predefined animations and more than 650 Google Fonts to customize your own styles. Creating Animations Has Never Been Easier! Responsive, mobile touch-friendly, HTML5 animations You can choose click or hover event. The Content Animator can fit to responsive and non-responsive elements. It’s yo...

Responsive CSS Forms Set & Validation

Responsive CSS Forms Set & Validation

D.A. Custom Forms is a set of responsive layout HTML/CSS forms validated via javascript. There are 3 layouts of the forms: vertical , horizontal and modal. The vertical mode structure is label and a field underneath, horizontal – label next to the field and modal type popups the form. The forms are with responsive design , so they are optimized for mobile devices. Features: Responsive design layout Client side validation Custom Colors Crea...

Animated CSS3 Submenu

Animated CSS3 Submenu

This is pure HTML5/CSS3 menu. Menu has HTML5 structure and works on all major browsers. Menu is easy to edit and integrate into any website. Menu works (the main structure is 100% same) on Internet Explorer 9, 8, 7… and a lot of old browsers but animation and some other CSS3 features do not work. Video Preview on YouTube (Watch in HD)Collection of my Horizontal Submenus Credits Font: Bebas NeueSee also

Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs

Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs

Plugin Information Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs is powerful and easy to use plugin that can add breadcrumbs navigation to your website. Breadcrumbs are fully customizable and responsive. Plugin support custom post types, custom taxonomies, all types of archives, attached media files, 404 page, search results, bbPress plugin forums and more. You can control display for different types of breadcrumbs items, hierarchy and taxonomies for different...