Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs

Last Update
18 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Plugin Information Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs is powerful and easy to use plugin that can add breadcrumbs navigation to your website. Breadcrumbs are fully customizable and responsive. Plugin support custom post types, custom taxonomies, all types of archives, attached media files, 404 page, search results, bbPress plugin forums and more. You can control display for different types of breadcrumbs items, hierarchy and taxonomies for different types of WordPress objects. Plugin uses Smart Responsive Breadcrumbs plugin for jQuery/CSS also developed by SMARTPlugins. So, you get all styling and features from this plugin. Plugin allows use of any colors combinations, with different effects to style the breadcrumbs. Plugin also supports RDF specification for rich snippets markup used by Google and other search engines to identify breadcrumbs and use them in the search results.

Breadcrumbs for all kinds of WordPress pages

Plugin can generate breadcrumbs for all kinds of WordPress pages (archives, single, search, 404…) with support for bbPress plugin forums and topics.

Responsive with mobile/touch devices support

For smaller screens, plugin turns from horizontal to vertical menu. For touch based devices, replaces hover with click for easier control on such devices.

Wide range of options to control breadcrumbs

Control display of breadcrumbs elements (support for HTML, font icons…), use of taxonomies for post types, hierarchy display and breadcrumbs visibility.

Full styling control over colors, effects…

Change colors, add shadows, borders, compact display, breadcrumbs element, expand and collapse animation. All with the admins side preview of saved style settings.

Supported Plugins

bbPress. Tested with bbPress 2.3.x. WooCommerce. Tested with WooCommerce 2.0.x.

Main Features

Breadcrumbs are fully responsive with mobile/touch devices support. Breadcrumbs for date, author, post types and taxonomy terms archive. Breadcrumbs for home, search results and 404 pages. Breadcrumbs for default and custom post types single posts. Support for Google Rich Snippets for search results enhancement. Support for bbPress Forums plugin for forums, topics, replies. Change the way breadcrumbs look with colors and effects style settings. Control crumbs divider element and collapsed breadcrumbs state. Filter for developers to expand and replace generated breadcrumbs.


Due to nature of WordPress themes, in most cases you need to manually integrate plugin into the theme.

Other Features

Direct theme integration support: Theme Hybrid. Direct theme integration support: Genesis Framework based themes. Supports WordPress Multisite installations for individual sites. Supports translation and includes POT file.

Changelog Version 1.1 / 2013.08.17.

Added: Support for bbPress Search Results Added: Support for bbPress Profile Pages Added: Support for bbPress Views Added: Support for WooCommerce plugin Added: Option to disabled Rich Snippets Markup Added: Option to disable taxonomy for post types Added: Few more breadcrumbs control filters Improved: Breadcrumbs code moved into generator class Improved: Post types settings moved to own panel Fixed: Visibility settings for search and author pages Fixed: Broken Settings link from Plugins panel

Version 1.0 / 2013.08.12.

First release