Distinctive Testimonials - Powerful WP Testimonies

Last Update
25 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Share the love your users show you and your business with distinctive testimonials. Using the powerful shortcode generator you can easily show your users testimonials the way you want, and then style it to your tastes with the excellent DTPanel options panel. Distinctive Testimonials is fully responsive (resize your browser when viewing the demo to see it in action. The Distinctive Testominals post type allows you to add unlimited testimonials and display them in a variety of ways. Choose from grid, masonry, carousel or paged layout. Its all handled by the included options and has been created to be very simple yet very powerful to use. You can control each of the layouts fully with the shortcode generator. You can choose to display/hide clients name and testimony, as well as how many columns (1-4) you wish to use.Let Your Users Submit Via Front End Add a form to your site with our easy shortcode system which allows users to submit their own glowing reviews of your business and services, they can add their name, testimony, role and even a picture! You can also choose to post this right away or you can approve it yourself before it displayed, its up to you!Top Features Easy to use shortcode generator Responsive DTPanel options panel User submitted testimonials status (draft/post) Easy to use Changelog 04/08/2013 - v1.00 - Release