local storage

Premium Currency Converter for jQuery

Premium Currency Converter for jQuery

Overview With Premium Currency Converter for jQuery, you allow your visitors to convert all the prices on your site using a little tool. They also get a little calculator to quickly convert currencies. All the exchange rates are daily updated and stored in your HTML5 Local Storage. Live Preview View Wordpress Version Main Features HTML5 Local Storage The script uses your browser’s HTML5 localStorage to save the exchange rates so it doesn...

No-mouse URL Shortener with API and Bookmarklet

No-mouse URL Shortener with API and Bookmarklet

This URL Shortener’s purpose is to giver the user an unique user experience when shortening URLs. It’s entirely based on simple (and standard) shortcuts. Essentially a mouse is not needed! Focus is entirely on providing the user a shortened link as fast as possible. The markup is very simple, yet the design features a handsome UI, based on common CSS3 styles. The application is prepared for HTML5 local storage, which makes it load instan...

CSS3 Button Creator

CSS3 Button Creator

Video Preview available at http://screenr.com/67E CSS3 Button Creator is an application created by using HTML5 , CSS3 and JS and it runs in a browser. The application enables users to easily generate CSS3 code for buttons with background gradients, border radius and box and text shadows that is compatible with all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera). A neat button gallery comes as pre-installed with the application. The...

gonTracker - simple, serious HTML5 time tracking

gonTracker - simple, serious HTML5 time tracking

gonTracker is an awesome cross-platform time tracker app that can: track your time across multiple clients and projects produce daily, weekly and monthly reports for all clients and projects, or for individual client or project. run on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone and Android (and even IE in the near future) work without an Internet connection, you can take it offline, record your time entries, then sync it with dropbox whenever you have...



Noty is a simple widget for taking notes about the current page. A potential use is taking notes on a blog post for commenting later. Noty uses several HTML5 and related technologies, using the browser’s native functionality wherever possible. It is designed to work in modern browsers. Features Drag-and-Drop support via the browser’s native API . You can save excerpts from the page simply by highlighting text and dragging to the widget. ...

devZor.project, Your Offline HTML5 Task Management

devZor.project, Your Offline HTML5 Task Management

devZor.project is the only to-do list a developer ever needs ! It gives you the freedom to manage your tasks in a different way. I’m sure you use (or used) allot of these task management solutions, but in my opinion they were always either too simple and feature-less or too advanced and hard to find your way around. I then created something different, something that focuses on the every day tasks of a developer and/or freelancer. What does a...

Register5! - HTML5 Register Form

Register5! - HTML5 Register Form

Click here to try a demo (don’t forget to hit Share Location in your browser when prompted). Register5! is a simple, yet highly functional and effective website registration form. Register5! was created with emphasis on the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies, and designed with completely imageless graphics. Register5! implements SVG canvas drawing, Geolocation, Local Storage, HTML5 syntax (validated), Graceful JavaScript Degradation, ...

Dweamer - Dreamweaver Theme Builder

Dweamer - Dreamweaver Theme Builder

ABOUT Dweamer is an HTML5 “theme builder” for Dreamweaver. It allows you to easily create themes that change the appearance of Dreamweaver’s code view. If you’ve ever tried to edit the Dreamweaver color scheme on your own, you know what a pain it can be (and if you haven’t, you’re not missing much). But, Dweamer makes easy work of a task that used to take several hours. And since Dweamer allows you to save themes, you can come back and edit t...