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Navigation Menu Widget

Navigation Menu Widget

This is an advanced plugin that gives you total control over the output of your menus. Support shortcodes, widget and template function. Easy to customize, full features. and supports Twitter Bootstrap. Displays a list of menu as links. This plugin is based on the WordPress function: wp_nav_menu() Key Features & Options Menu, an available menu list.Thumbnail for diplaying the page thumbnail.Container, div or nav.Container Id, for a widg...

Advanced Links Widget - WordPress Premium Plugin

Advanced Links Widget - WordPress Premium Plugin

Advanced links widget is an advanced widget that gives you total control over every link. Comes with new hit counter and stars rating, make this plugin becomes more powerfull. There are many options on how you should select and display the link with custom queries, include or exclude, ordering, show or hide, search or by link categories and link metas. Key Features & options Stars Rating, new features for link hit counter.Hit Counter,...



With the Anywall plugin you have the ability to create tagwalls without actually having to create tags or categories. Sometimes you encounter the problem that you need something like a “look-a-like” tagwall in WordPress, without having to create tags. Since you don’t always have customers, external project or something else in your WordPress tags. With Anywall you can create (fake) “tags” input with a link to an internal or external pages. Th...

No-mouse URL Shortener with API and Bookmarklet

No-mouse URL Shortener with API and Bookmarklet

This URL Shortener’s purpose is to giver the user an unique user experience when shortening URLs. It’s entirely based on simple (and standard) shortcuts. Essentially a mouse is not needed! Focus is entirely on providing the user a shortened link as fast as possible. The markup is very simple, yet the design features a handsome UI, based on common CSS3 styles. The application is prepared for HTML5 local storage, which makes it load instan...

Thumbnail Scroller (jQuery Plugin)

Thumbnail Scroller (jQuery Plugin)

A very customizable jQuery Plugin Scroller, that can be edited from a HTML, JSON or XML files. The scroller is completely resizable and it is compatible with all browsers and devices (compatible with iOS & Android). Other versions If you want an item make sure you buy the correct version. While the demo may look similar, the code and usage are different. Features AddThis Social Sharing integrated.Can easily be changed to be used as an...

jQuery Infinite Sliding Menu Plugin

jQuery Infinite Sliding Menu Plugin

This is a jQuery plugin that creates an infinite sliding menu out of multiple nested unordered lists of links. It allows to initially open the menu at any category item and it automatically resizes its height. Updates March/10/2011: Fixed bug where sub-item links weren’t launching Features powered by jQuery easily resizable PSD with slices included unlimited number of nested lists clean design

jQuery Two Tier Sliding Menu Plugin

jQuery Two Tier Sliding Menu Plugin

This is a jQuery plugin that creates a two tier sliding menu out of an unordered list. It supports only two levels of nested HTML lists (in other words, one main list and one child list for each main item, the most). It allows to initially open the menu at a ceratin item and, optionally, have it close all the other opened items upon opening an item. Features powered by jQuery easily resizable PSD with slices included simple HTML clean design



Create a cool looking drop link to show a list of links. There are 3 examples included: one with text as main link, one with an image as main link and one where all links have a small icons. Video Preview

PHP LinkText

PHP LinkText

This script allows your users to create a link out of text that they selected on your site. They can then send that link to their friends, and when it is opened, the page will appear, and the text that the initial user selected will be selected on their friends’ screens. Check out the demo and try it for yourself!

Drop Menu

Drop Menu

With this script you can make nice and interactive drop down menus. The advantage of this script is that it not only gives you the ability to make list drop down menu. You can also use a div as drop down element. This way you can create big drop down menus like under the buttons products and tutorials in the live preview. Or you can create a login panel in your drop down like I did in the live preview. Horizontal example Vertical example B...