
Last Update
26 July 2011
Regular License
Extended License

With the Anywall plugin you have the ability to create tagwalls without actually having to create tags or categories. Sometimes you encounter the problem that you need something like a “look-a-like” tagwall in WordPress, without having to create tags. Since you don’t always have customers, external project or something else in your WordPress tags. With Anywall you can create (fake) “tags” input with a link to an internal or external pages. The options are simple, comprehensive and you can specify a name, title, link, target and additional options such as different color, standard size for each tag set. Features

Enter default color’s, sizes, hovers for every Anywall; Enter default color’s, sizes, hovers for individual Anywalls; Change color, size, hover for individual tags; Advanced options like selecting target’s for links; Input names (shown) for tags; Input links (url) for tags; Input titles (for links) for tags; Add unlimited tags per wall without having to save the page/wall; Create unlimited walls for your WordPress website; Change everything you want via CSS .

Supported languages so-far

Dutch Englisch

(More languages are expected in future updates) Screenshots Changelog Jylu 26, 2011 *Fix: Solved problems with loading input/select files; *Add: Reduced loading js files for better speed performance; *Add: "include" code in overview page. July 18, 2011 Version 1 launched;