No-mouse URL Shortener with API and Bookmarklet

Last Update
22 July 2011
Regular License
Extended License

This URL Shortener’s purpose is to giver the user an unique user experience when shortening URLs. It’s entirely based on simple (and standard) shortcuts. Essentially a mouse is not needed! Focus is entirely on providing the user a shortened link as fast as possible.

The markup is very simple, yet the design features a handsome UI, based on common CSS3 styles.

The application is prepared for HTML5 local storage, which makes it load instantly.


- Fast bookmarklet to shorten directly from external sites. It’s just a overlay, the normal shortening interface is easy accessible as always.

-Simple API

-Shortcut-based UX, a delight to use.

-Beautiful UI and design, focusing entirely on one task.

-HTML5 local storage, enabling instant access to the URL shortener (also available in the bookmarklet).