Dweamer - Dreamweaver Theme Builder

Last Update
9 September 2010
Regular License
Extended License

ABOUT Dweamer is an HTML5 “theme builder” for Dreamweaver. It allows you to easily create themes that change the appearance of Dreamweaver’s code view. If you’ve ever tried to edit the Dreamweaver color scheme on your own, you know what a pain it can be (and if you haven’t, you’re not missing much). But, Dweamer makes easy work of a task that used to take several hours. And since Dweamer allows you to save themes, you can come back and edit them at any time, or quickly switch to a different theme whenever you like (without having to start from scratch every time). As an added bonus we will soon be launching a free Dweamer theme gallery where you can share your themes with others and download themes other users have created! So, if you’re tired of the default Dreamweaver colors (or never liked them in the first place), give Dweamer a try!

LANGUAGE SUPPORT Dweamer supports all of the programing languages natively supported by Dreamweaver. It also provides a “code sample” view for many languages to provide an easy preview of what your theme will look like in an actual coding environment. However, code samples are not yet available for all programing languages. Sample code for the remaining languages is being compiled as we speak and will be available very soon. Dweamer is a “self-updating” application, and it will notify you whenever an update is available and offer to update itself. We expect to release the language update sometime in Spring 2011.

BUG FIXES Dweamer is a brand new app, so if you run into any bugs either with the application or the files it creates please let us know and we will try to correct any issues as soon as they are found. Please send an email to apps [ at ] sublantic.net to report any bugs or problems you may find.

BROWSER COMPATIBILITY Please note that Dweamer is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Firefox is supported, but it is kind of sluggish when setting styles (i.e. accessing local storage), but it works just fine otherwise. For the best experience I recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Safari or Opera.

DREAMWEAVER COMPATIBILITY Dweamer has been confirmed working in Dreamweaver CS5 /CS4/CS3 on both Mac & PC.

TROUBLESHOOTING If you see an error when saving a theme (or if it get’s stuck at “processing…”) please verify that Dweamer has permission to write to the “_tmp” folder (in the root directory) and the “custom” folder (inc/themes/custom). Also, if you plan to take advantage of the auto-update feature, make sure the “_install” folder is also writeable and that zip is enabled in your PHP installation.

HELP If you have any problems or questions (or suggestions for improvements) please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email ( apps [ at ] sublantic.net ) and I will do whatever I can to help. Thanks!

UPDATE ON NEW VERSION I still hope to update Dweamer eventually, but I haven’t yet had time to dig into actually making any changes yet. The updates will include preview code for all Dreamweaver supported languages, and (due to numerous requests) I’m also looking at adding support TextMate themes as well (possibly some others as well). Updates are always free, so don’t worry about not getting in on it if you’ve already purchased you can easily download the update when it hits. Thanks

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