image slider

Asura Parallax Image Rotator

Asura Parallax Image Rotator

Asura Parallax Image Rotator is a slideshow that implement cool parallax 3D effect when mouse move on it. It makes your website more lively. You can add as many layers as you want, the layer can be image, flash, video or html element. You can customize each layer to the style you like. The script provides 20+ options, so you can take full control of the slider. Please check out the live preview. Features Cool parallax 3D effect. It c...

Little Boxes Responsive Grid

Little Boxes Responsive Grid

Item description Little Boxes Responsive Grid is a jquery templating item that let you display your videos, images and articles on an expandable grid. On click on a thumb, it expands fullscreen with a nice width/height effect You can navigates through images via an included slider on fullscreen mode Both fullscreen and grid are responsive The idea comes from a codrops tutorial, which is extended in many ways (like videos support, and grid cen...

Wordpress 360º Image Slider

Wordpress 360º Image Slider

Item Description: The WP 360º Image Slider is a highly configurable plugin that adds slider functionality to your posts or pages. You can see the DEMO HERE. Please click on the “Play in HD” button to see it in fullscreen. Details: Elegant & Sleek Design Adjust to any Size Link Support Autoslide Feature Easing Effects Cross Browser Support Simple to Customize Well Documented Changelog 06 Feb, 2013 Improved Image up...

LayerSlider Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

LayerSlider Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

Recommendations Top 100 (of all categories) & Editors Choice on Tripwire “Must see effect” Best 30 Sliders Collection 30+ Useful WordPress Slider Plugins 30+ jQuery Image Slider Plugins and Tutorials 35+ Premium WordPress Plugins 55 Best jQuery Carousel Plugins 80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins 80 Awesome jQuery Slider Plugins Number One Slider on Premium WordPress Support Some Examples http://www.123tequil...

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel is mobile-friendly and lightweight jQuery content scroller with touch navigation for mobile and desktop. May be used as carousel, banner rotator and image gallery. It’s used by top web design agencies, email newsletter companies and simple schools. Features: Touch navigation for supported devices. Paging and free-scroll mode. Physics-based scrolling. Fluid width of carousel for free-scroll mode. Fast, hardware accelerated CSS3...

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

A small photo gallery that is simple to setup using XML /AJAX, making this gallery very easy to maintain. jQuery knowledge is not needed. Plug-in is easy to integrate into your own applications. Please take a look at the list of features below. XML – Easy to setup. All you need is simple XML knowledge. Compatible – With commonly used browsers, including IE7 Buttons – Customizable navigation buttons. CSS – Is well documented. ...

AA-Scroller Slider - Javascript

AA-Scroller Slider - Javascript

Presentation Hello guys, Here’s our newest script Scroller Slider , AA-Team way! It’s modern, trendy and very simple to use. Inovative design, smart coding & lots of passion! Compatibility Compatible in all major browsers Iphone/Ipad too! Features This script is very simple to use, and integrate as well. Now, let’s see what are the main features. Universal! You can use it on any website! Smart navigation and image pre-loadi...

Translucent - Responsive Banner Rotator / Slider

Translucent - Responsive Banner Rotator / Slider

This is a jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow with translucent background set for caption. Supports Responsive and fluid layouts. Supports touch swipe navigation on iPad and Android tablets. 8 example variations included with source package. Around 55 plugin settings included for deeper customization. The captions can be customized by both plugin settings as well as CSS . More than 6 Variations: Options: Slideshow 4 Transition effects to...

Sublime Slider for WordPress

Sublime Slider for WordPress

WPSublimeSlider is a fantastic WordPress plugin that allows you to create and display unlimited image galleries on your site. You can create sliders using your own images or even from a Flickr photoset or Picasa web album. The plugin supports multiple themes and the included (Sublime) theme can display your galleries at fullscreen or fit within your own predefined dimensions. This is the perfect plugin to show off your photographic work ...

jQuery Simple Slider Plugin

jQuery Simple Slider Plugin

Click here to preview without iframe The Simple Slider is a jQuery plugin you can use to display your image and Vimeo or Youtube videos. The CSS3 animation is driven by Animate.css. It’s mobile friendly, which support wipe left/right on your touch device. Please remove the preview iframe on the top. Or preview with the link above. Otherwise there is a flicker white in safari every time the image changes, it’s a bug of Safari with iframe and C...