image slider

HTML5 Fullscreen Gallery

HTML5 Fullscreen Gallery

This is a full HTML5 script. But don’t worry because it works just as good in older Internet Explorer browsers. This script is flexible and perfect feature for showcasing great photography while displaying subtle text/description on the bottom. Using this script is really simple. It comes with emotion evoking piano background music and a minimalistic two level sticky menu down the bottom. All colors can be altered via the CSS stylesheet. Th...

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress

CSS3 Accordions For WordPress CSS3 Accordions For WordPress is a WordPress Accordions Plugin based on pure CSS3. It comes with intuitive admin panel, horizontal and vertical layout and color picker for unlimited color skins. You can put content of any type inside accordion expandable section including lists, images or any custom HTML code. Accordions will work in all modern browsers. IE 6 – 8 is supported by JS (jQuery Fallback). This version ...

RoyalSlider - Touch Content Slider for WordPress

RoyalSlider - Touch Content Slider for WordPress

New RoyalSlider for WordPress is responsive image gallery and HTML content slider plugin with touch-swipe navigation. Plugin is mobile-friendly and allows creating completely custom slideshows and css3 banner rotators with images, videos or HTML content in slides. You can also dynamically populate data from Flickr, 500px, or featured posts of any post type – like WooCommerce products. Developed in best pracises of CSS3 and HTML5. For photo gal...

jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin

jQuery Responsive OneByOne Slider Plugin

The OneByOne Slider is a lightweight, responsive & layered jQuery plugin you can use to display your image and text one by one. The CSS3 animation is driven by Animate.css. It’s mobile friendly, which support wipe left/right on your touch device like iPhone & iPad. You can drag and drop to navigate with your mouse too. The latest update add an extra example, which make Twitter Bootstrap Carousel support the one by one animation. Cha...

UnoSlider - Responsive Touch Enabled Slider

UnoSlider - Responsive Touch Enabled Slider

The basic installation video What is UnoSlider? UnoSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin with an unlimited transition animations (really, unlimited!) and a wide range of a features like touch enabled, mobile optimized interface, animated layers, responsiveness and a lot of other features.Browser support UnoSlider works in all modern browsers and mobile devices, as well as in older browsers, including IE7 and IE6 (with some limitations)Feat...

Pure CSS3 iMac

Pure CSS3 iMac

The imac is often used in webdesign. But if you want to integrate an HD image to the site, the weight of the image is very large and slows down the site. We must therefore address this issue with CSS3 . Replace a picture of more than 100 kb in a CSS file of 2 kb. This file is : available in all sizes you need with the percentage. working with all modern Browsers. not using images. very simple to integrate. light. Post-Scriptum My special...

Quick & Pro Menu Navigation jQuery Plugin

Quick & Pro Menu Navigation jQuery Plugin

Update V1.1 Fixed Padding Bug under 1st Level Menu Items Optimized Mouseover while changing from 1st to 2nd Level Menu What is it?Quick & Pro Menu creates a special style of jQuery menus which is only seldom seen in Websites. Combining the power of jQuery and CSS it will lift up your Website design. Is it hard to implement? No! It is the typical way of implementing a jQuery Plugin. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript...

jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions

jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions

Last update 25.2.2013 update to jquery 1.9.1 Options: 3 transition types (image slices coming from outside, from inside and simple alpha) Set number of columns and rows to split an image Set global or individual delay for each slide Optional pause slideshow on hover Optional autohide controls Navigation type can be thumbnails or bullets or none. Optional whole slide link Optional HTML content for each slide Specify settings for ...

360º jQuery Image Slider

360º jQuery Image Slider

Item Description: Professional & Elegant jQuery Slider, special for Modern web designs, templates etc. The jQuery 360º Image Slider is a highly configurable plugin that adds slider functionality to your pages. See DEMO Here! Details: jQuery Framework Any Image Size Link Support Easing effects Cross-Browser Support Example demos included Simple to Customize Well Documented Changelog 18 Oct, 2012 – Fixed an issue i...

JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions

JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions

Last update 25.2.2013 update to jquery 1.9.1 update prettyphoto for jquery 1.9.1 update transform engine for jquery 1.9.1 Use this sexy and stylish banner slideshow to spice up your website. Any HMTL content, responsive size and multiple instances supported.All demo examples included in the download package for easy setup. Options: Optional responsive setup 2 version layout (vertical and horizonal) Optional slide rotation 2 directi...