Quick & Pro Menu Navigation jQuery Plugin

Last Update
17 October 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Update V1.1

Fixed Padding Bug under 1st Level Menu Items Optimized Mouseover while changing from 1st to 2nd Level Menu

What is it?Quick & Pro Menu creates a special style of jQuery menus which is only seldom seen in Websites.

Combining the power of jQuery and CSS it will lift up your Website design.

Is it hard to implement? No! It is the typical way of implementing a jQuery Plugin. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript. Put the JS and CSS links in the head of your HTML site and build an unsorted list of items like this: <span class="main_type_1">Q&P-Home< /span>< /a>

> With Banner< /span>< /div> In exerci ignota intellegam name mei ornatus perfecto dissentiet, te velit sanctus appareat nam.< /span>< /div> < /a> < /li>

> With Description< /span>< /div> Pro pertinacia constituam invi, inte dolores percipitur idunni. Esse vitae perpetua id corpora.< /span>< /div> < /a> < /li> < /ul> < /li></span>We did not check the Wordpress functionality and the Mobile Devices yet.What are the Features?

2 Level Menu. Flash style motion. Highly customizable. 3 Style Categories. Googlefont ready. jQuery Conflict free Plugin. Example demos included. Easy to implement. Special Easing.

Thank you for your time!!

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