AA-Scroller Slider - Javascript

Last Update
22 November 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Presentation Hello guys, Here’s our newest script Scroller Slider , AA-Team way! It’s modern, trendy and very simple to use. Inovative design, smart coding & lots of passion!


Compatible in all major browsers Iphone/Ipad too! Features This script is very simple to use, and integrate as well. Now, let’s see what are the main features.

Universal! You can use it on any website! Smart navigation and image pre-loading. Keyboard navigation using Right/Left buttons Mousewheel navigation Resizable images Custom caption with Title & Description Easing AnimationSpeed Autoplay AutoplaySpeed PauseOnHover gridWidth, slideWidth Scrollbar size (it’s the buttonWidth: 100 // min 55 ) Scrollbar on/off – you can use it as a slider as well ! with next/prev buttons!