
Facebook Photos Exporter

Facebook Photos Exporter

Description Facebook Photos Explorer is a Facebook app that allows the user to view his Facebook albums on an external website. He can browse through his photos, select some photos and download them as a zip in a size of his choice. In Facebook if the user wants to save some photo from his profile, he must click on the photo, and then save that. He can only save the photo in a size that is available. But through this app the user can downlo...

Repose Showcase

Repose Showcase

Wordpress Version: Repose Showcase for Wordpress So, what is this? Repose is a javascript plugin which can be used as an amazing showcase for different stuff. Some awesome stuff that can be showcased using Repose would be portfolio, images, social links, your team, your USP or features, or pricing tables. Look at the demo for examples of each case.Features 8 Demo Templates. Just copy and paste the code. A lightbox-like plugin for viewing ima...

Facebook Like Gate - Wordpress Plugin

Facebook Like Gate - Wordpress Plugin

FB Like GateWordpress Plugin Updated The easiest and most powerfull way to setup and manage your facebook Like Gate directly in Wordpress This is the probably most powerfull Like Gate available on the internet, you can setup your fan and non fan content in wordpress. You can use music players,videos,HTML content and much more! The power of wordpress is now connected to facebook. This is an very effective way to inrease your fans. Some Exa...

In Chat Standalone PHP version

In Chat Standalone PHP version

This scripts allows your website’s registered users to chat with each other. Online users are detected and shown in different color, making people to know who is online. This plugin do not requires any third party plugins or configurations, hence can be run on any common php & mysql server. Here are some of its main features… Basic php installation, just edit settings and its done. Chat with multiple users simultaneously Animated emotic...

WordPress Lightbox Gallery

WordPress Lightbox Gallery

LB Lightbox Gallery is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create a gallery. You can use it to create a photo or video gallery (support youtube and vimeo) or mixed with rating system and integrated Facebook comment. Admin UI with simple design and a lot of features gives you a sense of fun and easy to use. Please try it now. Features Lightbox responsive Socials sharing Sidebar toggle Integrated Facebook comment plugin 3 la...

Jquery keyboard scroller

Jquery keyboard scroller

Add Facebook/9Gag scrolling to your website! Pressing J will take users to the first/next post. Pressing K will take users to the previous post. Pressing I will take users to the top of the page. Pressing O will take users to the first link in the div he’s viewing!With smooth scrolling! Easy to configure & install Different options you can set, well documented and demo included! Lightweight! 4KB Wordpress plugin available!

Gift Calendar & Picture Guessing Facebook App

Gift Calendar & Picture Guessing Facebook App

Overview This facebook application is for calendar based events. Idea came from advent calendar. Basic usgae. You set it up and users have to open every day one box/window, to check for prize or gift.  All event setup and behavior is adjustable via built-in settings page. Here is something more. A picture guessing contest included. When user opens current day, piece of image will be revealed under it. User gets option to guess that ima...

Keyboard Scroller

Keyboard Scroller

What is it? Wordpress Keyboard Scroller is an extra function to add to your wordpress website. It makes it easy for your users to read blog posts. Pressing J will take users to the first/next post. Pressing K will take users to the previous post. Pressing I will take users to the top of the page. Pressing O will take users to full post he is currently viewing.Easy to install! Now you can have the 9gag/facebook keyboard navigation in your ...

WordpressFB - Facebook Application

WordpressFB - Facebook Application

WordpressFB – Facebook Application Plugin Updated The easiest way to setup and manage your facebook application directly in Wordpress This application automatically generates a post in the news stream of your visitors, you can publish anything you want. After the user has authorized the application you can offer them for example coupons,special download links, special content and more! The user data will be stored in your database and can be ...