Gift Calendar & Picture Guessing Facebook App

Last Update
19 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License


This facebook application is for calendar based events. Idea came from advent calendar.

Basic usgae. You set it up and users have to open every day one box/window, to check for prize or gift. 

All event setup and behavior is adjustable via built-in settings page.

Here is something more. A picture guessing contest included. When user opens current day, piece of image will be revealed under it. User gets option to guess that image.

App makes posts to users timeline/wall. Randomly when user didn’t got a the prize/gift. Every time user gets prize/gift. Every time when user tries to guess picture and posted picture is the same as on the user screen. App makes new image every time  when user opens a day.

Application features.

Run interesting events for your fanpage Collect LIKES and more new visitors. So called “Fangate” All source code is open and editable for your needs. CPA network option for making money – make content locker and block access to prize window. After completed offer user can check for prize. Download all current users data into .csv file – creat option to collect emails for your mailing list Unlimited amount of prizes. Built-in picture uploader Auto-posting pictures to users timelines and albums. All text is in separate file and easily translatable. Calendar days in order or randomly shuffled. On/Off option Show month name under the day number. On/Off option Allow to open past days. On/Off option Show latest answer for picture guessing. Adjustable from 5-100 Reset app with timeline posting. Outgoing amount of posts is adjustable. Easy, really very easy installation. No database needed and semi-automatic, instructed installation


Server space to keep app files, preferably Linux, Windows is not tested. SSL certificate installed on server. Some companies provide free/shared SSL certs. Only Hostgator tested and works. You need it for secure, https:// url. Facebooks requirement. PHP5.x on server Facebook account and fanpage.