WordpressFB - Facebook Application

Last Update
8 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WordpressFB – Facebook Application Plugin Updated

The easiest way to setup and manage your facebook application directly in Wordpress This application automatically generates a post in the news stream of your visitors, you can publish anything you want. After the user has authorized the application you can offer them for example coupons,special download links, special content and more! The user data will be stored in your database and can be directly viewed within Wordpress . This is an very effective way to inrease your Facebookvisitors and Fans. Feautures



View and Export User Data within Wordpress

Unlimited Content

OAuth 2.0

Unlimited Fan/Non-Fan Content

Perfect for


“Join the Event”-App

Restaurant Specials

Coupons,Discount for subscribers

Every kind of promotion can be done with this application!

How it works:

The user authorizes the application

The application automatically post your text/link/picture in the name of the user

And now the user gets redirected to the content page, here you can offer them anything you want (coupons, downloadlinks, premium content).

E-Mail,Name will be stored in your database (MySQL database required) and can be viewed directly in wordpress

Easy Setup: Just insert your App-Id,App-Secret etc. in Wordpress! P.S Here you can get the Facebook App-Id,App-Secret.

Try it out now!