Facebook Photos Exporter

Last Update
3 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Description Facebook Photos Explorer is a Facebook app that allows the user to view his Facebook albums on an external website. He can browse through his photos, select some photos and download them as a zip in a size of his choice.

In Facebook if the user wants to save some photo from his profile, he must click on the photo, and then save that. He can only save the photo in a size that is available. But through this app the user can download many photos at one time as a zip file. Also he can get the photos in a size that he wants – large, normal, medium or small.

App Features

The user is asked to Login with Facebook to start using the app. On authorizing the app, the albums of the user are shown. He can view more albums by pressing a ‘More’ button. The albums are displayed in Pinterest style that makes the user interface look awesome. On clicking on an album, the photos contained in the album are shown. On clicking on a photo, the photo gets selected. The user can select photos from various albums. He can then download the photos in a size of his choice – normal, large, medium and small. The app can be a useful addition to your website and make it even more popular. As a matter of fact new websites can be created using this app. As this app is website based, it requires no SSL [ Only apps within Facebook require SSL ] The admin can also control how many photos can be downloaded at one time.