calendar template

Veriteco Timeline For Wordpress

Veriteco Timeline For Wordpress

Making event, announcement websites are so easy after using WP VeriteCo Timeline! WP VeriteCo Timeline (TimelineJS) integrates VeriteCo’s Timeline JS into the WordPress back-end. Description WPVT integrates the wonderful JS plugin created by VeriteCo seamlessly into your WordPress back-end. It allows you to manage timeline entries through a Timeline custom post type, wordpress normal post or you can timelined even your page if you want! ...

WP ajaxTodo

WP ajaxTodo

ajaxTodo is a simple ajax and easy to do application for wordpress that works based on your wordpress configurations (no nothing to configure on the plugin). It has two modes of viewing your to do, one is the basic list view (allows you to sort by: Description, priority, date and time by default id) and another is the calendar view (allows you to see today, week and month tasks). The information are inline edited you just need to double-click ...

Smart WordPress Blog Post Calendar

Smart WordPress Blog Post Calendar

Smart WordPress blog post calendar is a unique way to display your archived post in a widget. Your visitors will able to explore your post archive most effectively and efficiently! They can easily browse the archive and if they want they can visit the specific post by clicking on the post title. This will obviously added a new functionality for your website and this will increase your website’s page views. Smart wordpress blog post calendar...

Calendarize it for WordPress

Calendarize it for WordPress

Welcome to Calendarize it! – a powerful Calendar and Event plugin for WordPress. There are several great calendar plugins available for WordPress, but most of them target specific industries, or are limited in features. We have tried to create a feature rich Calendar and Event plugin, which targets a very broad audience. We hope you’ll like it! Take a peek on how Calendarize it! looks live and try for your self how easy it is to use. Simply ...

WordPress Timeline Slider

WordPress Timeline Slider

Timeline Slider is the definitive plugin to build your history timelines. Its main configuration can be easily customized due to its compact config parameters, directly from the html file. Also more configurations can be edited through the css style sheet file. It comes with 2 skins, Dark, Light, to make easy the integration on your web project. The powerful jQuery library makes this component cross-platform. WordPress 3.6 compatible Feature...

3C-Events : Wordpress All-in-One Event Calendar

3C-Events : Wordpress All-in-One Event Calendar

* * * * * * NOTE : PHP version available here * * * * * * * 3C-Events : Wordpress All-in-One Event Calendar 3c-events is a powerful Wordpress All-in-One event calendar plugin that may be easily integrated and used. 3c-events has a user-friendly interface and navigation. It can be viewed in various ways : mini calendar, big calendar or events list. Our calendar plugin is more than just some boxes on a screen. We offers a comprehensive suite ...

Wordpress Animated Posts Calendar

Wordpress Animated Posts Calendar

Wordpress Animated Posts Calendar description Every Wordpress Installation has a default Calendar which will highlight the days that contain posts. But the calendar is very simple and somehow dull. That is why we took our premium designed Flash Calendar that is also the basic of our Wordpress Events Calendar and used it to build a Calendar that is rich in design, animation and flexibility. Our Wordpress Posts Calendar allows you to add a ...

CMS pro m2 - Content Management System

CMS pro m2 - Content Management System

CMS Pro! is the most intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that a web agency can implement for their customers. It’s perfect for small business websites and is really easy to use and to implement. The value of CMS Pro! is in its intuitiveness. With CMS Pro!, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing . The real value to the customer does not come from hundreds of features that they can’t or won’t ever use. Real value comes...

Booking System

Booking System

New version 5.3 – is now available for download BookingWizz is a powerful, easy-to-use and easy-to-setup booking script. It will help you to setup a reservation system for any of your websites in minutes! classes reservation, event management and reservation, appointments scheduling, photographers, sport clubs, medical offices, personal trainers, tutors or any other businesses offering reservations for customers!     How It Wo...