Smart WordPress Blog Post Calendar

Last Update
4 December 2012
Regular License

Smart WordPress blog post calendar is a unique way to display your archived post in a widget. Your visitors will able to explore your post archive most effectively and efficiently! They can easily browse the archive and if they want they can visit the specific post by clicking on the post title. This will obviously added a new functionality for your website and this will increase your website’s page views.

Smart wordpress blog post calendar show your blog’s all post by month in calendar. It gives visitor a short overview of your blog post. Visitor do not need to see each and every post by navigation. They are able to view each day post in smart blog post calender’s cell.

So it will be a vital plugin for your blog to increase the page view and inspire people to view more post from the site. Features

Awesome presentation Displays post’s title, date, number of comments on mouse hover Multilingual (option to change day/month name) Fully customizable to match your theme look & feel Flexible template system Fully optimized and uses caching to improve performance Can be displayed via any widget location Update

Add Cache delete option Add Cache time from settings Fix css for the table 100% width Fix bug for show page.


the plugin is a really useful one for a post calendar – by far the best I’ve seen so far. Light weight and quick. So if it is not going to work on this site, I will add it to some other site. Good work! by – hzscheyge