
Theme By Browser for Wordpress

Theme By Browser for Wordpress

With this plugin you can choose wich browser needs to show wich Wordpress theme. This is for example very handy when you have a regular theme and a mobile theme installed. With this plugin you can decide wich browser/devices need to use wich theme. This plugin supports 20 different browsers/devices. Example video Supported browsers Internet Explorer Safari Firefox Google Chrome Netscape Konqueror Firebird Lynx GoogleBot Yahoo! Slurp ...

API Framework

API Framework

More and more websites and companies start to create their own API ’s so that users can build their own tools to interact with the websites/data. With this framework you can create your own API in no time. The framework is very easy to use and extend if you have PHP and OOP knowledge. Tip: This API is also usable as backend for your Android and iPhone applications. Features Object oriented and structured code Modify URL request struc...

Text Styles Pack #2 for Android

Text Styles Pack #2 for Android

This package includes various text styles that create a glowing effect for your text. Developers can quickly and easily use these styles within their own applications by following the included instructions. COMPATIBILITY Works with Android API Levels 3+

Text Styles Pack for Android

Text Styles Pack for Android

This package includes predefined styles for use with your Android applications. In it, you’ll find styles appropriate for light and dark background. The styles include: Mandatory/option field styles Code or terminal styles Error-type style Readable, easy-on-the-eyes style for blocks of text Developers can include these files easily by following the included instructions. COMPATIBILITY Works with Android API Levels 3+

Animation Sequences for Android

Animation Sequences for Android

OVERVIEW The Android Animation Sequences Pack #1 provides numerous tween animation sequence resource files for use within your Android applications. COMPATIBILITY Works with Android API Levels 3+ ANIMATIONS INCLUDED Each animation resource is saved in its own file. Over two dozen animations are included in this package, including: The “Jiggle” family of animations that cause the target control to move around “randomly....

Password Dialogs for Android

Password Dialogs for Android

These dialogs provide two pieces of functionality: The first dialog provides an easy way to request new passwords and verify that the password matches. The second dialog provides a way to request username and passwords from users. Developers can quickly integrate these dialogs with their applications by following the included instructions. COMPATIBILITY Works with Android API Levels 3+

Android Uploader for Amazon S3

Android Uploader for Amazon S3

The Android Uploader for Amazon S3 provides code for a Service that uploads files to Amazon S3 buckets. Developers can quickly add the upload component to their applications by following the included instructions. Knowledge of Amazon S3 is required. You need to know basic S3 functionality, such as how to create buckets and bucket policies. COMPATIBILITY Works with Android API Levels 4+

gonTracker - simple, serious HTML5 time tracking

gonTracker - simple, serious HTML5 time tracking

gonTracker is an awesome cross-platform time tracker app that can: track your time across multiple clients and projects produce daily, weekly and monthly reports for all clients and projects, or for individual client or project. run on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone and Android (and even IE in the near future) work without an Internet connection, you can take it offline, record your time entries, then sync it with dropbox whenever you have...

Touch Dialog Box

Touch Dialog Box

To preview from a mobile device, remove the frame in the live preview, or click here. UPDATED 08 /06: - Added mouseover behavior. Touch dialog box is a jQuery plugin to be easily used to add quick links, mainly to touch enabled sites, although the plugin can also be used in regular desktop websites. It uses no images, only CSS3 effects and JavaScript, making it a simple to use plugin, as well as a lightweight one. It allows the de...

Mobile Site

Mobile Site

This application helps you to create in no time a mobile version of a website. This script supports all major devices like iPhone, Blackberry, Android devices, PSP , Windows mobile, Opera mini devices and other generic devices. With this script there is no need for you to create a subdomain for your mobile website. This script detects if the visitor is using a mobile device and then shows the right versions. To implement this script on your w...