gsm iphone

Mobile Site PRO

Mobile Site PRO

This application helps you to create in no time a mobile version of a website. This script supports all major devices like iPhone, Blackberry, Android devices, PSP , PDA’s, Windows mobile, Opera mini devices and other generic devices. With this script there is no need for you to create a subdomain for your mobile website. This script detects if the visitor is using a mobile device and then shows the mobile website if needed. To implement th...

Mobile Site

Mobile Site

This application helps you to create in no time a mobile version of a website. This script supports all major devices like iPhone, Blackberry, Android devices, PSP , Windows mobile, Opera mini devices and other generic devices. With this script there is no need for you to create a subdomain for your mobile website. This script detects if the visitor is using a mobile device and then shows the right versions. To implement this script on your w...