API Framework

Last Update
11 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

More and more websites and companies start to create their own API ’s so that users can build their own tools to interact with the websites/data. With this framework you can create your own API in no time. The framework is very easy to use and extend if you have PHP and OOP knowledge.

Tip: This API is also usable as backend for your Android and iPhone applications.


Object oriented and structured code

Modify URL request structure

Create multiple versions of an API

Use hooks to extend the API framework with extra functionality (6 example hooks included)

Make a database table accessible with your API

Use the included output types (XML, JSON , TXT, CSV , Print_r) or create your own

Choose which request types are allowed for wich method (GET, POST , PUT, DELETE )

Example Videos

API Framework preview

Implement an API key in your API Framework project to authorize requests (Hooks). Logging layer Create custom parser Installation and configuration Use logger class to debug your custom services Create a custom API service

Updates Version 1.1 – 17/01/2011:

Added fix for json_encode for PHP < 5.2 Extra security for config and log files Updated documentation Added extra logging for BlockIp Hook