Social Networking

Php Smart Social Share

Php Smart Social Share

The main goal of this script is to give user to use our famous scripts to php version. Many user request for the php version of that script. Demo : and shorting : : Easy to integrate to your php application Share al...

Cool Badges - Facebook App

Cool Badges - Facebook App

If you like Cool Badges, please don’t forget to rate it Cool Badges is a website with Facebook login app, perfect to implement in your marketing projects or just to learn pretty much everything you need to know about Facebook apps. It is fully customizable with 32 background images and unlimited color combos. The app works like this First, the app reads the cookie from the logged Facebook user and pulls his or her profile picture. Then, t...

Twitter Widgets and Buttons class

Twitter Widgets and Buttons class

This Twitter widgets class enables you to centralize all your Twitter widgets and buttons declarations. The main advantage is to avoid having your widgets declarations everywhere in your projects. Intead you can have them all in one place, all defined in a structured and flexible class. If you are interested by integrating Facebook plugins you can have a look to the Facebook plugins class. Advantages - Centralize all your Twitter widgets and...

Facebook Plugins and Dialogs class

Facebook Plugins and Dialogs class

This Facebook plugins class enables you to centralize all your Facebook plugins and dialog declarations. The main advantage is to avoid having your plugins declarations everywhere in your projects. Instead you can have them all in one place, all defined in a structured and flexible class. If you are interested by integrating Twitter widgets you can have a look to the Twitter widgets class. Advantages - Centralize all your Facebook plugins an...

PHP Facebook Page Application iFrame Helper

PHP Facebook Page Application iFrame Helper

As of October you will need an SSL certificate to support a https version of any app you create – this is a requirement from Facebook. Please be aware of this when purchasing More information Facebook have recently allowed iFrame applications to be used on Business/Fan pages . This opens up more information for developers and page owners. In the old days any content that you only wanted to be visible to users who ‘liked’ your page could ...

Achites - Facebook App let u have fun with friends

Achites - Facebook App let u have fun with friends

Achites – Facebook application which lets you answer fun question about friends Achites is a funnny facebook application which lets users answer about thier friends, then post on thier wall! For seeing the answer results, users must unlock by coin! Users can earn coin via answer questions about friend, get one coin for each answer! Feature: Generate random questions, select random friend to ask about Write to friend’s wall to let th...

Twitter connect & API integration

Twitter connect & API integration

This is a Twitter version of our Facebook connect, also available on codecanyon: The Twitter connect enables you to login a user into your website using his Twitter account, and the ability to request and display his Twitter information into your application or website (like friends, followers, last status update etc). Once a user has granted your application the permissi...

Twitter Statistics Suite

Twitter Statistics Suite

Twitter Statistics Suite lists exactly who has started following or unfollowing you, and who you have started following or unfollowing in the past 24 hours. Each user is displayed with their avatar and their username, with only 1 click away from their profile. But wait! There’s more! The script also has an iPhone version, JSON API, and a XML API. So if you want to use these stats in your own script, it can be easily done with ju...

PHP Twitter Plugin

PHP Twitter Plugin

This plugin allows you to display a twitter timeline from a specific users timeline, or search keywords, mentions, etc and display the results. It also includes a cool caching option that will allow you to cache the reults for a certain amount of time. The display can be easily customized with CSS . The download comes with a stylsheet that will style your feed exactly like the examples below. If you’d like to use it, simply add twitter.css fro...