Achites - Facebook App let u have fun with friends

Last Update
11 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Achites – Facebook application which lets you answer fun question about friends

Achites is a funnny facebook application which lets users answer about thier friends, then post on thier wall! For seeing the answer results, users must unlock by coin! Users can earn coin via answer questions about friend, get one coin for each answer!

Feature: Generate random questions, select random friend to ask about Write to friend’s wall to let them know you answered about them

Earn coin for each answer Invite friend to join application Manage questions – You can add your own questions UPDATE

08/01/2011: gWaller stop its service so you are no longer use coin so I must remove this from app.

26/02/2011: Improvement how answer get post to user’s wall! Don’t refresh after posting wall

Dear my clients, If you encpunter any problem when installing! Please contact me: give me your ftp information so i can take a look! THank you so much for buying!

Steps to install: Create a facebook application then grab App Id, App secret, Canvas Url Create a gWallet application then grab Application Id, Application Secret Import database Edit config file with facebook information, gwallet information, database informatio Manage questions – You can add your own questions More detail document is included when purchasing! If you are a developer who wants to build a facebook app! Here is yours! What you get: Working with Facebook JavaScript SDK Working with GRAPH API Understand the process of authentication Manipulate with Wall Use Ajax with Facebook Important!!!

If you bough this item, shot me an email at to receive new update! Thank you!

See it in action


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