Twitter connect & API integration

Last Update
10 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This is a Twitter version of our Facebook connect, also available on codecanyon:

The Twitter connect enables you to login a user into your website using his Twitter account, and the ability to request and display his Twitter information into your application or website (like friends, followers, last status update etc).

Once a user has granted your application the permission to interact with his Twitter account, you can do the following with our Twitter connect class:

- Get the user’s Twitter token. You could for example store the token into your database to authenticate the user in the future. - Enable the user to update his Twitter status from your application - Display the connected user’s friends - Display the connected user’s followers - Get the user last status updates.

Documentation and demo example are included in the source code. We made it simple and clear so that you can understand how you can use the Twitter API into your app or website, and extend the functionalities to comply with the special needs of your application.

Updates 11 March 2013 - Updated the script to use the latest Twitter API v1.1 - Code improvements and new PDF documentation4 Feb 2013 - Fixed an issue with the split() function deprecated in newer PHP versions (5.3)

The WordPress version of this script (with extended functionalities) You can find the Twitter plugin on this page: Twitter WPress for WordPress