PHP Twitter Plugin

Last Update
2 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

This plugin allows you to display a twitter timeline from a specific users timeline, or search keywords, mentions, etc and display the results. It also includes a cool caching option that will allow you to cache the reults for a certain amount of time. The display can be easily customized with CSS . The download comes with a stylsheet that will style your feed exactly like the examples below. If you’d like to use it, simply add twitter.css from the download to your site. It will still work if you dont include a stylesheet, it just wont look as nice.

Standard Display This example will display the 5 most recent tweets from @StephenAtHome (Stephen Colbert).

echo $twitter->timeline('StephenAtHome');


Keyword Search This example will search twitter for specific word(s) and display the 8 most recent tweets containing it. Why don’t we see if anyone has gotten a new puppy recently…

echo $twitter->search('new puppy', 8, 'thumbnail');


That’s the basics of it. Head over to the live preview page for more examples.

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