Revolver is a jQuery plugin for creating full screen sliding websites. It can be integrated into any website template. FEATURES Scroll bar support Browser’s back and forward buttons support Fix the scroll of exit page. AJAX support (Load dynamic content without page refresh). Dynamic slides can be loaded at the startup or upon request. The speed and the animation easing are adjustable. Easy to Customize Cross Browser Support Well Docume...
Singam jQuery Social Count Plugin is a very powerful and easy to use jQuery plugin needed for every web developers. Primary aim for anyone maintaining or developing a website is to take the contents to maximum people. We do a lot of stuff to increase website liaffic. The latest and most successful step until now is to be social. Here not only the owner but even visitors are part of spreading the word and bring more liaffic. Web developers dis...
Description Well nowadays, everybody can create heatmaps for his website! The Visitor Heatmap PHP class is a simple PHP class for recording and visualizing user behaviour on your posts or pages. This is especially useful for acceptance testing, A/B tests and many more for your website. You want to know how users react at specific features on your posts or pages? By tracking mouse movement and clicks you can see what users might find inter...
Get full control over Layouts, Page Content, Sidebars and Widgets Custom Responsive page layouts – widgetize a page, drop widgets in page content area Drag and drop OTW Grid Manager – build responsive layouts in seconds! Vertical or Horizontal widgets alignment Replace any theme sidebar with a custom one on any set of pages Unlimited custom sidebars Widget visibility – display any widget on or hide it from any page OTW Content Sid...
3D interactive globe – no flash required Update – 26.06.13 Component now uses latest version of THREE.js (57) Update – 15.06.13 Better support for wgs84 coordinates Added feature, autoRotate – makes the globe rotate on load Added feature, externalURL – allows hotspot links to leave the globe One happy Customer says: “The EarthViewer was just what I was looking for” – Colin Munday | Partner, The Web Workshop. Another happy Customer ...
Automatic Download is a WordPress plugin that allows you to attach any file to you posts (including custom types) and pages. Once your visitors open such posts/pages in browser, the file will be downloaded automatically. This is really nice feature for any digital content downloading websites. Features Automatic download: plugin adds automatic download functionality to posts and pages. Start downloading delay: configure start downloading ...
WordPress Product Blogger Automatically retrieves, formats & publishes a blog posting from a database table; e.g. a retail product list. It is ideal for posting regular product information on a retail website blog or affiliate website. Mix it in with tailored blogs to keep the content updates regular, fresh and diverse. What it does Product Blogger takes a Database table containing a product list and randomly extracts a record which i...
PHP File Directory Explorer is a lightweight php script (the whole script sums only one file in total, excluding the small images) which can be used to browse your files fast and easy. Features: Password protected. Breadcrumb navigation. Small icons for files. Files cand be deleted. Sort by Folders or Files. Cross Browser compatbile. Graph chart included. Easy to be configured. and more… I’m waiting suggestions for this script. User...
Description DBConnection is a PHP class designed to facilitate the MySQL database management with an useful set of methods, that allows the programmer to manipulate the data with a simplified interface. This class offers to the programmer a full set of methods that allow to construct SQL queries of any complexity, using appropriate methods in each situation. One of the main feature of this class is the ability to deal with the table relat...
Product Information Page TinyKB Information TinyKB is a small, easy to use and easy to deploy knowledge base. Easily create answers to your frequently asked questions and allow your users to comment on your articles. When will TinyKB get an update? We’re working on some updates now, sorry about the wait. At first we were busy with a test knowledge base we were building but that was cancelled and we began to build our moChat product. Now ...