
Last Update
21 May 2012
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Extended License

Product Information Page

TinyKB Information TinyKB is a small, easy to use and easy to deploy knowledge base. Easily create answers to your frequently asked questions and allow your users to comment on your articles.

When will TinyKB get an update? We’re working on some updates now, sorry about the wait. At first we were busy with a test knowledge base we were building but that was cancelled and we began to build our moChat product. Now that moChat has reached an acceptable state, we’re ready to do some updates to TinyKB. We’ll be fixing the bugs and updating the UI (subtle changes).


Unlimited Categories Unlimited Authors Unlimited Articles Comment System Comments must be approved before being shown Fast, easy to use installer Well documented throughout Language file, easily modify any text

Demo: Username: demo Password: demo Alternatively, check out our knowledge base! It uses TinyKB too.

What’s new in TinyKB 1.1? TinyKB 1.1… In 1.1 I have fixed a bug I found in the update an admin page. If you left the password field blank, you would receive a blank page, this has now been resolved and you can now leave the field blank if you do not wish to update the password.

I have also updated the script for new installations, you’ll be prompted to install the script rather than having many errors thrown at you. The installer has also been fixed, in some cases the default article would not be placed in the correct category.