file explorer

Fox Explorer

Fox Explorer

Fox Explorer is a file manager based mostly on ajax and php, allowing users to interact with their files, cuting, copying, renaming, deleting, searching, uploading and so on. Features Search files and folders Upload multiple files Cut/Copy/Paste files and folders Log in window with password for protection Beautiful design based on metro UI Download files into your computer New folder Rename and delete files and folders AJAX based fil...

PHP File Directory Explorer

PHP File Directory Explorer

PHP File Directory Explorer is a lightweight php script (the whole script sums only one file in total, excluding the small images) which can be used to browse your files fast and easy. Features: Password protected. Breadcrumb navigation. Small icons for files. Files cand be deleted. Sort by Folders or Files. Cross Browser compatbile. Graph chart included. Easy to be configured. and more… I’m waiting suggestions for this script. User...