Dynamic Grid: Photo Gallery for WordPress

Dynamic Grid: Photo Gallery for WordPress

[10/16/2012] Version 1.1 of the plugin is out, if fixes a major bug which prevented the gallery from working for many people. If you have purchased this item, please download it again. To future buyers – the plugin is tested and it works fine. [25/11/2012] Customer Support Update Hello everyone! I have an announcement to make regarding customer support. It has been a hard couple of months for me and I was unable to provide support due to...

Dead Simple Gallery

Dead Simple Gallery

What does it do? Dead Simple Gallery can create a gallery, based on a folder on your server that contains original images. The script does all the tedious work for you, by automatically creating and caching thumbnails and big images, it outputs a (X)HTML list of thumbnails that link to bigger image versions. It acts as a straightforward gallery CMS – add or remove images from your gallery folder and the website will update automatically, ren...

Keyword Finder for Wordpress

Keyword Finder for Wordpress

Keyword finder Whenever you write a post to your website, you allways have to find, relative keywords, but you also have to find keywords that users are using mostly. Normally if you do this process by manually this is takes like 5-10m for each post, with keyword finder you can do that in seconds. Keyword finder brings you most relevant keywords Keyword finder brings you keywords with most search valume Easy to use, no configration needed. Su...



Product Information Page moChat moChat is a PHP /jQuery/MySQL based chat room which is fast to run and easy to use. moChat 1.3 (current) includes a few new features including the chat topic, an improved admin panel for settings, clickable links for the http protocol and a few fixes here and there. There are 4 ranks at this time. User, Moderator, Administrator and Super Administrator. This script is easy to modify and most if not all of ...

Social Gallery WordPress Photo Viewer Plugin

Social Gallery WordPress Photo Viewer Plugin

Social Gallery is The Ultimate Social Lightbox for WordPress. Social Gallery Plugin is a fantastic new way to engage visitors to your WordPress blog by adding the ultimate lightbox featuring social media buttons (Facebook like, Facebook Send, Pinterests ‘Pin it’, Twitters ‘Tweet This’ and now Linked In, Stumble Upon & Tumblr) as well as Facebook or Disqus Comments! Get More out of your images. More Likes. More Comments. More Revenue. You...

Stylish Css3 Animated Progress Bar

Stylish Css3 Animated Progress Bar

Overview It contains six different color, four animations, prepared in three sizes and two different background mode.You can easily have 144 different style progress bar.Pure CSS , no images, no js.You can easily use in modern browsers support css3 animation, and its old browser friendly. Features 4 kinds of animation(light,glint,wave,stripe) 6 Colors(blue,green,orange,yellow,black,pink) 3 Prepared Sizes(small,normal,large) rounded corners...

jQuery Sort and Order Portfolio Plugin

jQuery Sort and Order Portfolio Plugin

About the CSS3 transition Note: The CSS3 transition only works in the modern browser like Firefox, Safar and Chrome. Which doesn’t work in IE7 , 8 & 9, it seems the IE 10 will support it. Features Extendable filter and order buttons. Customize CSS3 driven animation, graceful degradation. About 30 kinds animation transition style, different in easeIn and easeOut. Optional reverse order, you can set the order button support it or not. ...

Matrix Feature Slider - jQuery plugin

Matrix Feature Slider - jQuery plugin

A jQuery feature presentation slider, that uses matrix image transitions (AnimaEvolution engine created by Dowiigo). Can be used for many objectives, specially for websites that want to present their features to the internet users. The AnimaEvolution engine gives you more than 200 combined transitions. Also has a random transition mode if you like. Very easy to use, you just need to configure 4 or 5 parameters, and you’re off to use it. Or you...

Private Message System

Private Message System

It’s a simple php private messaging system, it can be used for communication. it allows you to send private messages to other registered users. Feature: Send messages Receive messages Replay to messages List of all messages pure css3 styles and more… Demo: Link : User: demo pass: demo123 User: demo2 pass: demo123 User: demo3 pass: demo123 User: demo4 pass: demo123

jQuery Table Dynamizer

jQuery Table Dynamizer

jQuery Table Dynamizer Add dynamic tables to your forms just with: $(“table”).dynamizer(); Includes: jquery Table Dynamizer Plugin PHP functions to easy access the table data CSS styles for tables Full documentation See a full example and more in live preview