Keyword Finder for Wordpress

Last Update
13 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Keyword finder Whenever you write a post to your website, you allways have to find, relative keywords, but you also have to find keywords that users are using mostly. Normally if you do this process by manually this is takes like 5-10m for each post, with keyword finder you can do that in seconds.

Keyword finder brings you most relevant keywords Keyword finder brings you keywords with most search valume Easy to use, no configration needed. Supports 189 Language

Try Before Buy It Username : test Password : demo Find most accure, more relative keywords Whenever you type a title on wordpress, Keyword Finder automaticly searchs most relevant, highest search volumed keywords and displays in seconds. With this keywords you can target more users for your website. You can add them as tags, or keywords.

Bring more traffic to your website Keyword finder brings you most highest search volumed keywords, you dont have to worry about “am i picking correct keyword ?” All done by Keyword finder.

Multi Language Support Keyword finder supports 189 lagnuage, including hard languages like thai, chinesee.

What you will get in package

5 php files Icon file, Documantation file, Please feel free to ask your any questions to me, i will answer all questions. Thanks, regards.

Changelog 19.04.2013

Register licence updated Deep keyword search functionality added


Updated to Wordpress 3.5 Multi language support extended.


Ioncube Replaced.


New licence system appied Minor bug fixed.


Minor bug fixes. New PHP version compartible. Updated to new WP version