
Last Update
30 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Product Information Page

moChat moChat is a PHP /jQuery/MySQL based chat room which is fast to run and easy to use. moChat 1.3 (current) includes a few new features including the chat topic, an improved admin panel for settings, clickable links for the http protocol and a few fixes here and there. There are 4 ranks at this time. User, Moderator, Administrator and Super Administrator. This script is easy to modify and most if not all of the source is commented to help you out. Commands aren’t in some cryptic text, they’re simple if, else if and queries, so basic PHP knowledge of if statements and MySQL queries mean you’ll be creating your own additions in no time. Features Easy to use Admin Panel 4 ranks – User, Moderator, Admin & Super Admin Fast, easy to use installer Documentation explaining commands & awards User Profiles Profile Awards Easy, command based administration 24/7, dedicated support for moChat from its developer(s) Free copyright removal (You don’t need to link back to us) Free updates for life!! Smilies! * NEW *

Password resetter * NEW *

All new sleek design * NEW *

Simple word filter (customizable) * NEW *

Changelog (1.3) Improvements to the entire script New, easier to use design Ability to delete users from the admin panel Smilies now useable, plus a simple plug and play system for them Users can now set a secret phrase and reset their passwords Added basic text filter so admins can define “bad” words Changelog (1.2) Avatars can now be changed – New avatars can be added within seconds User profiles have been improved – Gender icon and online status added Admin panel has more settings Users can now be modified from the admin panel Users online list (frontend) has been modified with new icons The login page was slightly modified

We’re trying to keep moChat highly configurable. Most if not all of the newly added additions can be enabled or disable easily. If you have any suggestions or find any issues with moChat, send us a message on the comment page or from our profile and we’ll get back to you promptly. moChat Demo You can check out our demo here or visit a chat room not hosted by us here. Sadly, we cannot give you administrator access but you can see a screenshot of all commands below. Support for moChat DesignSkate (LeftArmy) provides 24/7 support to all customers. If you need help achieving something with our scripts, send us an email and we’ll do our best to help you out. Replies should take no longer than 12 hours, but give us a good 24 hours in-case we’re busy with other queries.