Social Networking

Twitter Connect and Widgets for WordPress

Twitter Connect and Widgets for WordPress

The Twitter WPress for WordPress enables you to use the power of the Twitter API, on your own WordPress blog. Integrate the Twitter connect, the signup process using Twitter. Store your users Twitter tokens and update their timeline later. Display Twitter widgets and buttons with powerfull shortcodes. Display Twitter friends and followers using the built-in widgets. Open you WordPress to the Twitter API ! Features - Enables users to connect ...

Wordpress Like Locker - Like to Read Plugin

Wordpress Like Locker - Like to Read Plugin

Tap into Facebook’s 620 million users with the Wordpress Like Locker plugin. WP Like Locker will allow you to add thousands of fans to your Wordpress site on Facebook with almost no work. More likes = more traffic = more money! The first plugin of its kind it allows you to wrap your post content in a “Like Locker” that will require the user to like the post to view the content. Build a social media super presence over night by locking all, or...

Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress

Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress

This Facebook plugin for WordPress enables you to add some Facebook functionalities to your WordPress blog or website, including the Facebook connect functionalities (connecting with Facebook, creating a WordPress account using Facebook… ). This plugin also provides a way for blog owners to post updates to their user’s wall, and store their user’s emails for marketing or newsletter uses. Features - Enables users to connect with their Facebook ...

Twitter Traffic Pop for WordPress

Twitter Traffic Pop for WordPress

Check out a live preview here: Instead of forcing your visitors to see popups with ads, why not ask them to Tweet instead! Tap into Twitter’s 100 million plus users with this hot new popup style marketing tactic. Make Twitter your slave with one line of code! More tweets = more exposure = more traffic = more money! Twitter Traffic Pop Featutres Fully customizable CSS included, looks just like a pop...

Facebook Traffic Pop for WordPress

Facebook Traffic Pop for WordPress

Tap into Facebook’s 600 million plus users now with the hottest Facebook traffic plugin. Facebook Traffic Pop for WordPress is a new breed of ‘popups’ that will allow you to have your users like your pages, instead of trying to get them to click ads. More likes = more exposure = more traffic = more money! Facebook Traffic Pop, is the original, and still the best! Dont be fooled by knock off’s and buggy clones. Features LOCKS out page functi...

Twitter Updates Widget for Wordpress

Twitter Updates Widget for Wordpress

With this widget, you can show your latest tweets on your website. Create your own widget with its great customizability. Features Display tweets from a search query, or a list or account(s)’s feeds! Supports multi-account A lternate simple theme for minimalistic-fans! Anything can be customized! Auto-linking mentions, hashtags and urls! 1-minute-install! It’s a jQuery plugin Choose from 7 color styles (blue, dark blue, green, red, gray, ...

SocialPop: A Social Media Plugin for Wordpress

SocialPop: A Social Media Plugin for Wordpress

Click Here! To see the demo site for full details! UPDATE : 06/02/2011 – Version 2.1 Fixed Twitter & Tumblr share redirect links. Added XING Social Network Added Tool Tip with Social Icons Feature. Added ability to insert via function/shortcode. Added ability to adjust row size in hover box mode. Minor User Interface improvements. UPDATE : 03/16/2011 – Version 2.0.2 Fixed small bug with color picker potentially conflict...



Socialpress is a Wordpress plugin that lets your visitors share your posts and pages on their favorite social networks. You can define what networks you want to show and what icons to use. You can also add campaign parameters to your shared links so that you can see in Google analytics how many users click on your shared links. In the back end you even have a small analytics overview to see how many visitors are referred from the different soc...