SocialPop: A Social Media Plugin for Wordpress

Last Update
2 June 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Click Here! To see the demo site for full details!

UPDATE : 06/02/2011 – Version 2.1

Fixed Twitter & Tumblr share redirect links. Added XING Social Network Added Tool Tip with Social Icons Feature. Added ability to insert via function/shortcode. Added ability to adjust row size in hover box mode. Minor User Interface improvements.

UPDATE : 03/16/2011 – Version 2.0.2

Fixed small bug with color picker potentially conflicting with other plugins. Fixed small CSS bugs to maintain consistency. UPDATE : 02/25/2011 – v2.0.1

Fixed bug where title wasn’t showing in non-Firefox browsers. UPDATE : 02/24/2011 – v2.0 Added a new icon set and 2 new ways to display social icons. Added the ability to choose the color for the title above the icons Added shortlink support to go along with shortlink support Improved the shortlink logic to use one shortlink for the desired URL Added more control options for Manual Insert Settings Fixed bugs within Manual Insert Settings UPDATE : 08/16/2010 – v1.1.2 Fixed external CSS bug with floats and clears on icon images. UPDATE : 08/06/2010 – v1.1.1 Fixed bug that was hiding comments.

UPDATE : 08/03/2010 – v1.1

Improved CSS support across all browsers. Added functionality for manual inserting on pages. Added functionality for excluding pages and/or posts. Added functionality for using short links. Improved options panel. Improved validation.

UPDATE : 07/17/2010 – v1.0.2

Fixed small style issues in IE, Wouldn’t be IE if it wasn’t a pain in the arse!

UPDATE : 07/08/2010 – v1.0.1

Fixed small style issues in IE

This plug-in adds social media sharing options under the content section on WordPress Posts and Pages.

Currently supports sharing for 26 of some of the most popular social media sites including:

bebo delicious digg email facebook friendfeed google google buzz google reader linkedin mixx myspace netvibes newsvine posterous reddit slashdot squidoo stumbleupon technorati tumblr twitter windows live yahoo yahoo buzz XING This plug-in has a variety of option and ways to display the icons or your Wordpress pages and posts.

Click Here! To see the demo site for full details!

IconDock under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Orman Clark – Buddycons under a “Free Reign” License for both personal and commercial use.

WooThemes – WooCons #1 under a GNU General Public License


The icons used and provided in this plugin are provided by: