yahoo answers

Specte Search Engine

Specte Search Engine

This framework is a semantic search engine framework. Specte search engine devoloped as web search engine for finding web pages on the internet just like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Before explaining the search logic, you have to understand what is semantic search. You can find a lot of knowledge about semantic web. This framework created based on PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.5.31-30.3. And also frame work using Wordnet for semantic analysis. Semantic Web &...

SabaiDiscuss for WordPress

SabaiDiscuss for WordPress

What is SabaiDiscuss? SabaiDiscuss is a premium questions and answers plugin for WordPress. The plugin features the ability for users to ask and answer questions similar to Stack Overflow or Yahoo Answers. SabaiDiscuss is an ideal tool not only for building a community driven question-and-answer website but also for building a discussion forum, a knowledge base, or even a helpdesk portal for WordPress. Features Post questions and answers...

xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

xCommenter is a powerful SEO WordPress plugin that will post unique (spun) content to your posts and pages and pings all the major RPC + search engines after the comments are posted. This will add unique content to your pages, entice user interactivity, and improve your SEO efforts by making your posts and page content fresh and updated when crawled by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Have a question, or new feature idea? CLICK HERE - What xComm...