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Specte Search Engine

Specte Search Engine

This framework is a semantic search engine framework. Specte search engine devoloped as web search engine for finding web pages on the internet just like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Before explaining the search logic, you have to understand what is semantic search. You can find a lot of knowledge about semantic web. This framework created based on PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.5.31-30.3. And also frame work using Wordnet for semantic analysis. Semantic Web &...

WP Editorial Assistant

WP Editorial Assistant

Change log 2.3 – July 16, 2013 Corrected the bug where the content is not generated due to Facebook’s new update on their platform’s authentication. 2.2 – January 01, 2013 Feature added; Added the option for custom keywords. Feature added; Localized the plugin to support more languages. 2.0 – May 20, 2012 Feature added; Now you can view hot searches for other countries not only USA. Google insights for search is added. Feature added; Sett...