xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

Last Update
23 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

xCommenter is a powerful SEO WordPress plugin that will post unique (spun) content to your posts and pages and pings all the major RPC + search engines after the comments are posted. This will add unique content to your pages, entice user interactivity, and improve your SEO efforts by making your posts and page content fresh and updated when crawled by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

Have a question, or new feature idea? CLICK HERE

- What xCommenter does: xCommenter will automatically create comments on your blog posts and WordPress pages. It does this by analyzing the post title, content and tags to determine find relevant Yahoo Answers comments and questions. Optionally xCommenter will then run the content through a powerful content spinner API to make the content more original and unique to improve quality. xCommenter then can approve it’s own comments if you wish, and once a new comment has been made xCommenter will then optionally PING the updated page URL to all the RPC Ping services listed within your WordPress Admin panel, getting the updated page crawled and indexed quickly and more frequently. All of this is done on auto pilot.

- Why Use xCommenter There are three main benefits of using xCommenter on your site.

Comments posted by xCommenter are typically questions or requests for more information found on Yahoo Answers, thus visitors to your blog will be more likely to respond, often dramatically increasing user interactivity. Even if users choose not to interact they are more likely to accept your content as an authority or subject matter expert.

Fresh updated content. Search engines love fresh updated content. When xCommenter makes a comment on one of your pages or posts it will (optionally) PING the RPC Pingback services found within your WordPress Admin. This will get your content indexed quickly and more frequently.

Increase amount of unique content in your posts/pages. If you’re using article directories tofind content, or spun content on your pages then using xCommenter will increase the amount of content uniqueness again improving your SEO efforts by helping to reduce risk of duplicate content penalties.

- How To Use xCommenter: xCommenter is incredibly easy to set up and use on your WordPress web sites and blogs. Set up can be done in as little as 2 minutes. There is no ongoing maintenance or scheduling required to use xCommenter (other than occasional software updates and improvements). It truly is an autopilot solution.You can watch a quick video tutorial of me setting up the software and explaining what each of the settings does by visiting: http://vimeo.com/36628711

Or read the installation/plugin activation guide here: http://xcommenter.jspicher.com/

- What Languages Does xCommenter Support: Currently xCommenter supports English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Thai.

Change Log:—-UPDATE 08-09-2012 version 1.2.2 Patched bug in asynchronous mode that effected a small number of hosting providers and installation configurations.

—-UPDATE 08-04-2012 version 1.2.1 Added word limiter to prevent xCommenter from making comments over 500 words. Added Yahoo Answers Thai support. —-UPDATE 07-30-2012 version 1.2.0 Added core functionality to allow for cron job, scheduling execution of xCommenter. —-UPDATE 07-18-2012 version 1.1.9 Patched bug that affected some servers when running in asynchronous mode. Improved settings page user interface by adding help balloons next to each setting. —-UPDATE 07-14-2012 version 1.1.8 Dramatically improved duplicate comment filter (now works with spun comments). Improved Yahoo Answers comment selection randomization. Improved Yahoo Answers post tag query search functionality. —-UPDATE 07-10-2012 version 1.1.7 Added patch to comment posting filter to avoid collisions with captcha plugins. —-UPDATE 07-08-2012 version 1.1.6 Added ability to manage usernames and associated links from within wp-admin panel.—-UPDATE 07-07-2012 version 1.1.5 Added SpinChimp API integration Added ability to add author url’s to xCommenter author names. Added several 100 new “fake” usernames to use as comment author usernames.—-UPDATE 06-28-2012 version 1.1.4 Added “advanced” settings features to increase compatibility with more WordPress themes. Altered Asynchronous functionality to allow Asynchronous to work on non-static IP address hosting spaces—-UPDATE 06-12-2012 version 1.1.3 Added Asynchronous mode for use with shared hosting environments to improve performance and load times on posts and pages.Removed PHPBuilt.com spinning services (service no longer available).—-UPDATE 04-11-2012 version 1.1.2 Minor Bug Fixes Added Asynchronous mode for use with shared hosting environments to improve performance and load times on posts and pages.—-UPDATE 03-22-2012 version 1.1.1 Added patch to prevent failed authentication of TheBestSpinner in some environments.—-UPDATE 03-13-2012 version 1.1.0 Patched non-auto approved xCommenter commenter conflict with some themes and plugins—-UPDATE 03-08-2012 version 1.0.9 Patched versioning output Cleaned up php markup to remove short hand php.—-UPDATE 03-03-2012 version 1.0.8 Added duplicate comment filtering—-UPDATE 03-02-2012 version 1.0.7 Rewrote remote updating/auto updating functionality to allow for remote updates.—-UPDATE 02-29-2012 version 1.0.6 Added xCommenter comment moderation link if “auto approve” is set to false.—-UPDATE 02-28-2012 version 1.0.5 Added remote automatic backup functionality to plugin. Removed potential “flood error” when posting comments too quickly Prevented duplicate comments—-UPDATE 02-26-2012 version 1.0.4 Added support for PHPBuilt.com spinner as a free spinning solution.—-UPDATE 02-25-2012 version 1.0.3 Added support for multiple languages. The following Yahoo Answers Regions / Languages are now supported: • English • French • German • Italian • Spanish • Thai—-UPDATE 02-24-2012 Version 1.0.2 Added advanced debugging mode. Added alternative WordPress action hook methods. Various bug fixes.—-UPDATE 02-23-2012 Version 1.0.1 Various bug fixes. RELEASE 02-20-2012 Version 1.0.0 Official launch. Yeah party at my place!