analysis text

xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

xCommenter is a powerful SEO WordPress plugin that will post unique (spun) content to your posts and pages and pings all the major RPC + search engines after the comments are posted. This will add unique content to your pages, entice user interactivity, and improve your SEO efforts by making your posts and page content fresh and updated when crawled by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Have a question, or new feature idea? CLICK HERE - What xComm...

WebGrabber w/ or w/o HTML Stripping

WebGrabber w/ or w/o HTML Stripping

a simple html grab utility that takes a url, downloads all the markup from the url, then runs it through a cleanup utility that strips the HTML out so you are left with mainly text. Very useful for text analysis apps. You can simply grab html without stripping it or you can grab the html and run it through the parser which will strip out the html. Contains a demo aspx and codebehind file. the class file. The whole zip file can be extr...