transition css

Light - Bootstap Skin

Light - Bootstap Skin

It is an dark skin with patten background for bootstrap. It is highly customizable and easy to implement in your next project. All the styles have been done through LESS , and you can fine customized LESS files in the a folder called less. For those who need both bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.css, they can find these files in the css folder. In is important to note that all the necessary plugins have been included. Features: Easy to custo...

Sketch - Bootstrap Responsive Skin

Sketch - Bootstrap Responsive Skin

It is an clean and modern Bootstrap Skin. It has customized with less and both customized less and css files are included. Almost any elements have been customized.

Clean & Modern CSS Header + Menu

Clean & Modern CSS Header + Menu

If you need an Header + Multilevel CSS Menu , you’ve come to the right place. In this work you will find an clean, modern and minimal pure CSS logo, menu or better to say header. The unlimited level of the menu is powered only by CSS . With the use of this work, you can give a new look to the head section of your website, or use it in your next project. Features: Clean and Modern Header + Menu Pure CSS3 CSS3 Transition Multi-Level Cross-Bro...

Vertical CSS3 Mega Menu

Vertical CSS3 Mega Menu

If you need to display your catalog or a long list of products in a small area of your site, then this Vertical CSS3 Mega Menu is made for you. It has been coded in a way allowing you to add as many levels as you need and has been improved with simple but effective CSS3 transition effects. The first drop down level can be hidden or visible on page load and the whole system works on mouse hover, it’s a CSS-only system that doesn’t need a singl...

CSS3 ElegantX Menu

CSS3 ElegantX Menu

This is a very simple and elegant menu created purely in css3. Features: - 9 different colors - CSS 3 Animation Effects - CSS 3 Transition Effects (not for all browser) - Works with Chrome, FireFox, IE 6 +, Opera, Safari Colors: - Blue - Light Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red - Violet - Pink - Grey

Toggle Panel

Toggle Panel

Toggle Panel is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create toggleable content. Looking for an accordion instead? Check out Accordion A or Tabs + Accordion. Demo Video Support Features Fluid width Toggle Panel fits right into a responsive or fluid design. Fixed width is possible too. Expanded text option Specify an expanded text (e.g. “Read more” when collapsed and “Read less” when expanded) either via a data attribute or as...

Titan Lightbox for WordPress

Titan Lightbox for WordPress

TITAN is an awesome lightbox gallery script for WordPress which supports a wide assortment of images, html content, maps, and videos. It is built around jQuery & HTML5 and is both easy to implement and customize. Display images, videos, HTML, Iframes, Ajax requests and SWF Supports YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Telly, TwitPic, Instagram. Group lightboxes and mix different content types Responsive design to fit all device resolu...

DZS Testimonial Rotator - jQuery powered

DZS Testimonial Rotator - jQuery powered

Intro – top Want an awesome way to display your clients reviews on your site ? This is the widget for you! Customize everything from text and author to slideshow times and transitions. It comes packed with multiple skins ( check them in the preview ) – so you can choose the one that fits your site best! Do not worry about the size of the Testimonial Rotator. It can fit anywhere and it is responsive. Features responsive – with the Testimo...

Tabs + Accordion

Tabs + Accordion

Tabs + Accordion is a jQuery plugin that simplifies creating responsive tabs and accordions. Demo Info Support This is not a WordPress plugin. It you choose to use it as such, integration and usage is entirely up to you. Where Tabs hit the big screen very well, Accordion is more compact and fits the smaller devices. But how do choose? You don’t. Set a responsive breakpoint and Tabs will magically transform into Accordion once re...