Tabs + Accordion

Last Update
1 April 2013
Regular License

Tabs + Accordion is a jQuery plugin that simplifies creating responsive tabs and accordions.

Demo Info Support

This is not a WordPress plugin. It you choose to use it as such, integration and usage is entirely up to you.

Where Tabs hit the big screen very well, Accordion is more compact and fits the smaller devices. But how do choose? You don’t. Set a responsive breakpoint and Tabs will magically transform into Accordion once reached.


You get four themes to start with, and you can create your own with CSS or LESS . Because the HTML markup is simple, theming shouldn’t be a head breaker. To kickstart your own awesome theme, an empty theme is included as well.

Multiple and nested instances

Of course, multiple instances on the same page are supported. If the situation requires it, you can actually nest Accordion into Tabs or Tabs into Tabs or …

Save State

With HTML5 Local Storage the active tabs or accordion panel is saved and restored upon reentering the page. Or you can choose for Session Storage, which remembers the state during a single browsing session.

Hash Watch (Beta)

Hash Watch gives you the option to link to any Tabs or Accordion panel through an URL . Upon clicked and upon page load, the hash is checked and when it matches, the corresponding panel is expanded automatically. Example: Open panel 2 in the demo.

Pause Media

With the Pause Media option, HTML5 audio and video elements inside the current panel are automatically paused when going to a new panel.


Use your keyboard to access different panels. First focus on the element and then press the left, right, bottom or up arrow keys to navigate.

With JavaScript disabled, the content of Tabs + Accordion remains accessible.


Tabs + Accordion has been tested in Chrome, Firefox, IE8 , IE9, Opera, Safari 5 and on iOS.

Minified and source versions

The minified JavaScript files provide the best performance while the commented source files are there for development.

Well documented

Though Tabs + Accordion is made as simple as possible, it has extended documentation to help you out.

Beautiful CSS3 transitions

They are smooth, fast and future proof.Accordion has beautiful transitions when expanding and collapsing. With Tabs you can go classic without or opt in for a subtle cross-fade transition.


Like to hangout with LESS ? There you go, the LESS stylesheets are included in the download package.

RequireJS compatible

Tabs + Accordion is compatible with RequireJS and the AMD specification.

Powerful API

Set the expanded panel or switch types, Tabs + Accordion provides a powerful JavaScript API you can use to trigger changes code-wise.Go to the API documentation for a complete overview of available methods, options and events.


Documentation Changelog Compatibility table