
Website Template - Quick Start

Website Template - Quick Start

Mammothology Website Template The Website Template is designed to help you create your new website as fast as possible. It contains several features out of the box so you don’t have to create them yourself, including a full user sign-up, login and profile implementation, blogging system and more. All created using the new Twitter Bootstrap 3 CSS framework. Software Used: Codeignitor 2.1.4 Twitter Bootstrap 3 JQuery Knockout JS MySQL ...

WP-Lens - Security and Analysis

WP-Lens - Security and Analysis

WP-Lens Plugin Specs: Security: Check for account named admin. Determines if the default table prefix is being used. MySQL DB password strength. MySQL DB username strength. Looks to see if admin users authenticate over SSL. Checks to see if the template editor is enabled. Checks if plugins can be added/edited/removed through the admin. Checks if WordPress is up to date. Checks if you are a plugin hoarder. Blogspam analysis. Database...

Flat Theme For phpDolphin

Flat Theme For phpDolphin

Flat Theme for phpDolphin Flat Theme is a theme developed for the script phpDolphin, and functional in both desktop and mobile phones. Features Simple, clean minimalist interface. Ready css files with a minimized version. Responsive interface for Mobile Phones. Include documentation. Are having problems? If you find any problems in the interface just leave your comment that’ll be resolving. Updates [8/10/2013] Updated Fuctions.js file a...

Customizable Clock Widget

Customizable Clock Widget

Please see the “Support” tab for importing instructions. “Customizable Clock Widget” can be quickly customized to suit any person or business. A few simple adjustments can result in an application that is ready for submission to the Google Play Store. The app features an analogue clock widget, as well as a launcher page to compliment the widget. Google Admob is incorporated into the launcher page. “ClockFaces.PSD” is a Photoshop Docum...

iOS Notes with Reminder

iOS Notes with Reminder

Notes that comes with reminder for iPhone. This project is written in Xcode 4.5 using the iOS SDK. This app currently supports iOS 5+ and using ARC. Storyboards used in this project so that customising is pretty simple. It is ready for App Store submission without any modification. You can integrate it into your application within couple of minutes. Note that sharing feature is available only in the next update. Demo video http://...