WP-Lens - Security and Analysis

Last Update
18 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WP-Lens Plugin Specs: Security:

Check for account named admin. Determines if the default table prefix is being used. MySQL DB password strength. MySQL DB username strength. Looks to see if admin users authenticate over SSL. Checks to see if the template editor is enabled. Checks if plugins can be added/edited/removed through the admin. Checks if WordPress is up to date. Checks if you are a plugin hoarder. Blogspam analysis. Database Query analysis Image analysis checks File permissions on certain directory’s Other useful WordPress and Security Hardening information.

WordPress Debugger:

General WordPress environment info. Path to PHP.ini. WP Memory Limit. WP Max Memory Limit. Current Memory Usage. Wordpress paths (ABSOLUTE, TEMPLATE, PLUGIN ETC). PHP Version. PHP POST Max Size. Number of WP DB Queries being made on the current page. Theme name, description, version, directory and clickable css path. Available custom page templates. Available themes. Available plugins. Current page information: title, id, edit link, author, post type, post template and more. All custom fields and meta data. Plugins on the current page. PHP Files being included, categorized by core, template or plugin with file permissions. CSS Files being included, categorized by core, template or plugin. CSS Files being included, categorized by core, template or plugin. Images on page. Alt Tag analysis. Broken Images. Complete Security analysis. Lots of tips and help documentation

WP-Lens is the ultimate plugin for WordPress security analysis and discovery about your theme and installation. WP-Lens combines a variety of checks and mechanisms to give you a clear picture of your current state of security and installation. It also allows you to have access to what is going on behind the scenes of every page. It also requires zero configuration outside of installing the plugin.