
Mobile Website Wrapper for iOS

Mobile Website Wrapper for iOS

This Template simply wraps your website (normal or mobile optimised or even pdf file) and displays perfectly. Comes with back and forward buttons and these allows you use it as an in-app browser as well. Special Home button brings you to your pre-defined page when user tap on the home button. Share whatever you are displaying simply and efficiently. Contact us page brings your customer back to you with a single tap through call or email. Th...

Informational App Template

Informational App Template

Please see the “Support” tab for importing instructions. This app serves as a template that can be adjusted to suit any person or business! As a beginner, you will learn how to make an Android app, how to read the code, and how to customize it. As an expert, you will have a beautiful template ready to be transformed into a brand compliant application. The app is made up of four pages: Main/Home, Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3. The main...

HTML Layout & Utility Class

HTML Layout & Utility Class

What’s this? This is an HTML utility class for creating any HTML element. (All HTML5 elements are supported) including some custom ones like youtube and vimeo methods. Basic usage Extract the main zip file to the root of your website and look at the index.php. In short, simply plug the ‘html’ directory into your application and include the “html\HTML.php” file then start using the class, it’s namespaced to Afflicto\HTML. Example //this cr...

iOS App for Mobile Website / HTML Web / PDF Reader

iOS App for Mobile Website / HTML Web / PDF Reader

You have a website which is optimized for mobile? You have a website bundle with all the html, jquery, css and png? You have a pdf file that you wan to show in app? This is for you. Take a look on this video http://youtu.be/2DhhFZYkMBQ This has three tab bars with nice graphics. First tab simply can take your mobile optimized website url and turn as an iOS app. Second tab has a mechanism to take your html, css, jquery and png files to d...

Smart Image Tooltip

Smart Image Tooltip

Plugin Information Smart Image Tooltip is easy to use and setup plugin that can show images as tooltips for thumbnails or normal links. Plugin requires proper structure for the HTML used, and it supports adding all sorts of extra data that can be displayed inside the tooltip. Tooltip can be styled using CSS and it supports template for rendering. Plugin supports mobile/touch based devices to open tooltip on hover or click depending on the devi...

Effecto - Premium Bootstrap Skin

Effecto - Premium Bootstrap Skin

Effecto is a premium bootstrap skin with bright and crisp colors and effects. Effecto is bootstrap skin which can be used for any websites built with bootstrap framework. Effecto uses latest CSS3 overwrite to the existing bootstrap framework. Effecto css file is only overwrite file to the existing bootstrap framework, so that bootstrap framework can be updated easily. Effecto is designed to provide most of the effective overwrite CSS rules t...

Website Quick Start

Website Quick Start

Mammothology Website Quick Start Project This project is designed to get you up and running quickly. Designed for coders of all skill levels all you need to do is drop the code onto your server and you have a great starting point for any new project you can think of. Just follow the instructions below and you’ll have a fully functional skeleton website running in no time. Software Used: Codeignitor 2.1.4 Twitter Bootstrap V2 JQuery Knockou...

WP Theme Customizer

WP Theme Customizer

Supercharge any wordpress site with WP Theme Customizer and give a premium look to your theme. Front-end options module gives a unique and beautiful look to your theme. 4 color Schemes(both light and dark) are available for module.   What does it do? With WP Theme Customizer you can change the front-end look of any wordpress theme or your self-created theme (created with WordPress Theme Development Standards) within seconds. This saves your ...

Track Sports Pro V2. Full App

Track Sports Pro V2. Full App

Video 01 New User. Track Esports App Video 01 New User—> http://youtu.be/7-xQxQi4sKI Video 02 Login User. Track Esports App Video 02 Login User—> http://youtu.be/VqUMddkscU4 Video App Track Esports V1.0—> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1enaAO-Q3fs Track Esports V2.0—> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9fRbdW5yHw Import TrackEsports application to Titanium Mobile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PsxUdGOrag Description Sync...

wpPreview - Wordpress Product Preview Manager

wpPreview - Wordpress Product Preview Manager

wpPreview – Wordpress Product Preview Manager If you’re working on digital product development like WordPress Theme, Joomla Template, Site Template or other PHP projects or this type of digital products, then you always need to show the demo of product to the visitor which increases the sales of the products. wpPreview – Wordpress Product Preview Manager is solution give you ability made the showcase for your project, because it built in with ...